My neighbour’s 12ft trees are ruining my life…no one will help me – so I’m taking my fight to the government

A WOMAN claiming that the size of a neighbour’s fence has made her cry has contacted the government to try and have it removed.

Ali Buchan insists her neighbour’s 12ft leylandii along the border of their £300,000 properties in Crieff, Perthshire has made her life a misery.


Ali Buchan asks that the hedge be cut to the same white line as shown in the photograph at the top.Ali Buchan


Due to the height, the hedges cover the garden in shadow.Photo Desk: Clear Credit: Unknown

The trees, she claims, block the light from her garden.

Buchan was frustrated and turned to Perth & Kinross Council to request that the trees be lopped under the High Hedges Laws. However, he was disappointed when the Council said they could keep the trees.

Ms Bucahan appealed to the Scottish Government the decision.

Buchan’s appeal letter highlights the issue of height in the hedge. Buchan moved into the house she lives in 2016 and has been a resident since then.

She stated: “The plants that have survived over the years in this garden are a couple of hardy shrubs, and a tiny fir tree.”

The hedge has shaded my flowers and caused poor soil conditions. They have not survived, despite all of my efforts.

The local authority has no regard for our enjoyment of our garden or the atmosphere in it.

Our submission is that if we reduce the hedge by two feet, it will have a negative impact on privacy, light and our ability to enjoy our garden. There are also health and security issues with maintaining this side. These were not there when we originally moved in.

I am concerned that the ugly hedge will make it difficult to sell the house.

Ms Buchan continued: “It’s ugly. I cannot bear to go out in it or spend time with family and friends as when we were first in our home.”

Every time I see the garden, the unfairness of the situation makes me teary-eyed.

In a council report, it was stated that Dunn’s kids had expressed a “willingness” to help with the maintenance of the hedge. However, they also had to respect the wishes of their mother.

According to them, the height has been held at its current level for 10 years.

Perth and Kinross Council refused her request, saying: “The boundary hedge’s barrier to light does not affect your reasonable enjoyment of the property.”

A government decision is expected in due course.