Motion Picture Academy states that it will take several weeks to determine the ‘appropriate action’ for Will Smith

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, in a Tuesday night letter to its members, stated that the process of determining “appropriate action”Will Smith after he slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars will not be forgotten. “take a few weeks.”

The Academy said it would keep its members informed. “any developments,” “please trust that the Board of Governors will conduct this process in a manner that is both expedient and respectful of all involved while maintaining the standards of the Academy.”

This letter is sent a day after Academy condemned the incident and confirmed that it had been addressed. “officially started a formal review.”

Monday’s statement by the Academy included a mention of its Code of Standards. This Code was last updated in 2017 and restricts “physical contact that is uninvited”It requires members to treat others with respect.

Below is the letter that was sent to members Tuesday by the Academy.

Dear Members

Sunday’s telecast of the 94th Oscars was meant to be a celebration of the many individuals in our community who did incredible work this past year. We are shocked and outraged that these moments were overshadowed and ruined by the unacceptable and destructive behavior displayed on stage by a nomination.

To be clear, we condemn Mr. Smith’s actions that transpired Sunday night.

As outlined in our bylaws, the Academy’s Board of Governors will now make a determination on appropriate action for Mr. Smith.  The Academy’s Board of Governors will now make a decision on appropriate action for Mr. Smith. This is in accordance with California law.

We will keep you updated on any developments. However, we ask that your Board, Academy staff and this process be respected so that it runs in the considered manner it was intended.
Trust that the Board of Governors will manage this process in a way that is expedient and respectful of everyone involved, while still maintaining the Academy’s standards.

We are grateful.
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
David Rubin
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Dawn Hudson