Moon Knight might feature an exciting cameo that fans will absolutely love

Moon Knight premieres on March 30th on Disney Plus, and it’s already shaping up to be an exciting addition to the MCU. First of all, this is the first MCU TV show starring a character we haven’t previously met. Oscar Isaac’s Marc Spector/Moon Knight is a hero who has not appeared in any movies, and it’ll be interesting to see him cross paths with other Avengers. Secondly, we have no idea what to expect from the TV show, as we hardly have any leaks to go by. Even the Moon Knight leaks that we have on hand aren’t enough to give us an idea of what to expect from the show. That said, there is one new Moon Knight rumor out, teasing an exciting cameo that fans will absolutely love.

Mind you, this is a big Moon Knight spoiler if the information is accurate. This is where you need to walk away if you don’t want the surprise to be ruined.

Moon Knight expectations

The TV show will deliver a sort of origin story for Moon Knight. But that doesn’t mean you should know what to expect. You might have read the comics, but that’s not enough. Marvel’s creative process involves doing whatever it feels appropriate for the MCU, even if it doesn’t match the events in the comics.

As such, we have no idea when the action in Moon Knight happens relative to the rest of the MCU. We’re yet to find out how it all connects to the big timeline.

But this is an MCU project. That means Marvel has included Easter eggs and cameos in Moon Knight to tie the TV show to the rest of the universe. Therefore, we expect at least one cameo that would inform the audience that Moon Knight is playing in the same backyard as the rest of the Avengers.

Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) in Spider-Man: No Way Home trailer. Image source: Sony

The Midnight Sons

One way to connect Moon Knight to the rest of the MCU is to have one of the Midnight Sons appear in the TV show. That’s one of the superhero teams Moon Knight has been a part of in the comics. The Midnight Sons include characters like Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), Blade (Mahershala Ali), Ghost Rider, and The Punisher.

Marvel already cast two of them, and Doctor Strange needs no introductions. As for Blade, the character got its first cameo in the Eternals

post-credits and will appear in a standalone MCU Phase 4 movie.

Rumors say that Marvel has cast the MCU’s Ghost Rider. And Norman Reedus might play him. As for The Punisher, Jon Bernthal played the character in Netflix’s now-canceled TV show.

That said, we have no evidence that Marvel is about to assemble the Midnight Sons. But we’ve already seen that Marvel is setting up the stage for amazing crossovers. Several Avengers team variants might be on the way, including the Young Avengers and the West Coast Avengers. Then, the Thunderbolts might be assembling. There’s no way to tell whether Marvel will go forward with any of these crossovers. But the studio is laying the foundation for such epic stories.

In other words, Moon Knight will get us closer to a Midnight Sons project. But there’s no guarantee that it’ll happen. However, we would expect Moon Knight cameos to set up such a team of superheroes.

Jon Bernthal in Marvel’s The Punisher. Image source: Netflix

The Moon Knight cameo rumor

With that in mind, we’ll show you the newest Moon Knight cameo that concerns one Midnight Sons member. That’s Jon Bernthal, whose Frank Castle/Punisher was quite popular on Netflix. The streamer had to cancel the show after two seasons, but we know why that happened. Disney was about to launch its own streaming service, and it wanted to reboot some of these shows on Disney Plus


The best proof of that comes from the last MCU titles we saw. No Way Home and Hawkeye brought back Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) and the Kingpin (Vincent D’Onofrio). A Daredevil reboot will follow. Therefore, other Marvel characters from Netflix might move to Disney Plus.

If Moth_Culture is to be believed, Bernthal’s Punisher will cameo in Moon Knight.

As with other exciting MCU rumors, there’s no way to confirm any of this. But having a Punisher cameo in Moon Knight would make sense in the grander scheme of things.

Bernthal already teased back in December that he would be interested in The Punisher role for the MCU. But that’s not a confirmation that Marvel wants to have the character in any upcoming Phase 4 projects, or that it wants Bernthal to play him.