Moment woman flips out at robot ‘receptionist’ and smashes it up with plank of wood in huge meltdown

After a strange meltdown, a woman smashed a “robot receptionist” using a piece of wood.

A woman in China lost control and destroyed the machine after losing her temper.


She lost all her temper with the robot receptionist
Photo: AsiaWire


A thick wooden rod was used to smash the machine apart.Photo: AsiaWire

In the lobby of Affiliated Hospitals of Xuzhou Medical University, in the city of Xuzhou, patients were checked in by the robotic “receptionist”.

In the video footage of the moment captured, you can see the woman holding a big stick and shouting at the machine.

In the wild clip, the woman is repeatedly hitting the robot on the floor with a thick piece of wooden.

The woman wearing a bright yellow coat is seen destroying the machine as staff members move away.

The robot is able to regain consciousness and move its head, while raising its arms.

After the video cut, we see the woman removing her coat in an apparent attempt to prepare for the next attack.

After being posted on Douyin (China’s version TikTok) on Sunday, the images spread quickly on social networks.

Twitter shared the footage earlier this week along with a description of how popular robots have become in Chinese hospital.

They wrote: ““Because now in China’s hospitals, make the doctor and all medical examination appointments are all done on the robots, very few nurses left to help the patients.

“Many find it a frustrating process”.

The woman’s anger was reportedly directed at the defenseless robot by the netizens.

Apparently, hospital security claimed that police were called to the scene after the incident.

The motives behind the attack on the machine by the anonymous woman are still unclear. However, according to local media reports, the hospital initially believed that the woman suffered from a mental disorder.

It’s not clear if she was arrested.


The woman’s outburst was shocking to the onlookersPhoto: AsiaWire