Millionaire Robert Durst killed friend who was to reveal fake alibi over wife’s death

Real estate tycoon Robert Durst has been found guilty of murdering his best friend Susan Berman in 2000.

The millionaire was charged for first-degree murder after he killed his friend who was about to reveal a false alibi regarding his wife’s disappearance in 1982.

The trial was suspended in March 2020 because of the coronavirus epidemic, and the jury deliberated for several hours on the case.

The 78 year-old claimed that he discovered Berman’s body on the bedroom floor and not his wife.

Prosecutors claimed Durst had spoken to Berman about his wife’s death and asked her for help hiding it.

A lack of evidence of robbery or forced entry showed Berman “knew her killer”, they added.

Burst was about to start medical school when his first wife, Kathleen McCormack Durst, also known as Kathie disappeared, almost 40 years ago.

Douglas Burst’s billionaire brother Kathie said that Kathie was having marital difficulties and she wanted to file for divorce.

Her body was never found, and she was declared legally deceased in 2017.

Durst was found to have lied five more times to investigators in question during the Berman trial.

Los Angeles Police Department received a note with the word “Cadaver” before Berman died, and the handwriting resembled another note Durst had sent her of the word “Beverley”.

Although the tycoon denied that he had sent the note to him, he admitted that he did in fact mail it during court filings.

Nick Chavin, friend of Dursts and Berman, testified that the millionaire had said of his murdered pal “it was her or me. I had no choice.”

He was also caught making incriminating comments during the filming of HBO documentary The Jinx from 2015.

He was heard saying: “What the hell did I do? Killed them all, of course. There it is. You’re caught. He was right. I was wrong.”

Durst later claimed he was “high on meth” during the interviews, and the audio has since been revealed as being a complication of multiple clips.

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