Miley Cyrus will not be going on tour in 2023 as she finds the experience isolating

Miley is openly expressing her dissatisfaction with a second concert in 2023 for her fans.

Ever since the release of Endless Summer Vacation, Miley Cyrus‘ fans have been hoping that the singer would announce her tour.

The singer’s plans for the future are not yet known, but it is clear that she has other ideas in mind after her success with songs such as Rainbowland and River.

Miley Cyrus’s 2023 Tour may be cancelled

It is a good idea to get in touch. You can also find out more about the interview by clicking here.

Miley spoke to British Vogue about what she thinks of a 2023 tour.

The singer seemed to hint that she may never have a concert again as she said: “After the last [headline arena] What I did [in 2014]I looked at it more as a query. And I can’t. Not only can’t, because can’t is your capability, but my desire. Do I want to live my life for anyone else’s pleasure or fulfillment other than my own?”

She continued: “Like singing for hundreds of thousands of people isn’t really the thing that I love. There’s no connection. There’s no safety. It’s also not natural. It’s so isolating because if you’re in front of 100,000 people then you are alone.”

Singer talks about the song “Flowers”

Flowers broke records when fans fell in adore with both the song and music video. Some even thought that the song was a jab towards Miley’s ex-husband, Liam Hemsworth.

However, opening up about the song in the same interview, Miley said: “I wrote it in a really different way. The chorus was originally: ‘I can buy myself flowers, write my name in the sand, but I can’t love me better than you can.’ It used to be more, like, 1950s. This is the saddest of all songs. Like: ‘Sure, I can be my own lover, but you’re so much better.”

“The song is a little fake it till you make it, which I’m a big fan of,” she continued.

What has she been up to?

In her LA residence, she is surrounded with family and friends.

Maxx is the man she’s currently with. They met at a blind-date and never looked back since.

Miley and Maxx are clearly in love. They have been seen together countless times over the last couple of months.

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