Meet Ganga, one of the best tattoo artists in the world

Married and without children yet, his devotion for his enterprises has earned him spots in magazines like Forbes, who named him as one of the leading entrepreneurs in branding.

“I consider myself fifty percent an artist and fifty percent an entrepreneur. I am very simple.”

“I’ve been here in L.A. for two years and I don’t even speak English. What I am is very reasonable, which makes me evolve very fast,” He speaks with an easygoing disposition.

Photo: Nunu

What Ganga enjoys most about L.A. is the climate. “It’s very similar to mine, in Murcia. I love the food. You always hear in Spain that here you only eat burgers, which is not true. There’s a huge amount of wonderful restaurants. Another thing I love is that there’s thousands of things you can do here for entertainment, which is great. And the cherry on top is that the opportunities to grow as an artist pop up very quickly. The opportunities that there are in L.A. I think only exist here. There’s no other city in the world where you can grow more,” He says.

What he enjoys the most when facing a new tattoo is “the moment where I connect with the person I’m going to tattoo and I feel comfortable. After, when I’m making the tattoo, I’m so focused on that and I find an escape, I don’t focus on my problems, on whether I’m stressed or not, or on something that I’m obsessing over. Making a tattoo is my moment to disconnect, where there are no stressors. When I tattoo, I relax my mind and art takes over.”

Despite his experience and years in the industry, sometimes, when he finishes a tattoo, he’s surprised. He thinks, ‘I made that?’ “Even though there’s no way you can have perfect days, those days when you’re centered and motivated, it’s okay. That’s art and when you do it every day over several years, you never know if on Wednesday you’re gonna have the right attitude at work or not, but what I do is to focus a little before I tattoo and that’s it.”

With such high profile clients, it would seem logical to see them and get nervous, but for Ganga, that’s not a problem.

“No, I don’t get nervous, although sometimes I struggle with the position and posture… For example, If I’m tattooing someone who is very famous in some house and I feel like there’s no light. Feeling uncomfortable makes me very nervous, but it’s happened very few times and I’ve solved those problems when they’ve occurred. Since the majority of my clients are in L.A., what I do is I take my portable bed, my light, and have everything with me.”