Maui Strong Fund of Hawaii Community Foundation: How to Donate as Charity Raises Over $3m in Just 24 Hours

Hawaii Community Foundation is a great way to help the Hawaii wildfires recovery.

Maui Wildfires’ death toll has tragically increased to 55 after devastating flames tore through West, South and Upcountry Maui on Tuesday (August 8 2023). Satellite images of the tourist island showed the once-lush location transformed into an “apocalyptic” scene of grey smoke and rubble.

Authorities confirmed that the historic town of Lahaina, home to the US’ oldest banyan tree and Hawaii’s oldest operating hotel – Pioneer Inn – was engulfed and the wildfire is still not 100 per cent contained.

The President Joe Biden announced a federal declaration of disaster on Thursday and pledged to do whatever was necessary to assist in the recovery. Grants for housing temporary, loans to repair homes, and low cost loans are all part of the assistance provided by this declaration. You can play your part and contribute to the recovery efforts via Hawaii Community Foundation – here’s how.

Maui Strong Fund raised $3 million in just 24 hours

Hawaii Community Foundation, a major charity organization, announced on August 10, that $3 million had been raised for Maui’s relief.

“Incredible news. In 24 hours, more than $3 million has been donated to the Maui Strong Fund of HCF from individuals and businesses around the world, ” the Facebook post reads. “We are truly grateful for this outpouring of support and aloha for Maui residents impacted by the devastating wildfires.”

Five donors, at least, generously contributed $1 million to the Maui Strong Fund just five hours after it was activated on August 9, 2023.

Hawaii Community Foundation: How to make a donation to the Maui Wildfire Relief Fund

In just four easy steps, you can make a donation.

  1. Visit Hawaii Community Foundation’s Maui Strong website You can read more about it here.
  2. You will see the Donation Information if you scroll down.
  3. Click your desired donation value option ($100 – $1000) or select “Other Amount” and type in your alternative sum.
  4. Once you have completed the personal details form, click “Give Securely” and the transaction is complete.

The minimum online donation is $25 and donors will be charged a $0.30 transition fee and a 2.5 – 3.5 per cent processing fee as per credit card company regulations, not HCF.

Visa, Mastercard and American Express are accepted.

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