Matthew Perry Recalls how his Friends Supported His Sobriety Recovery Journey

In anticipation for the publication of his memoir, “Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing,” “Friends”Matthew Perry was the star who spoke out PeopleHe revealed how many his cast mates were to him, by revealing the following: The iconic theme songHe would have to be there. 

Concerning his addiction to drugs and alcohol, which he developed a lot during his time here “Friends,”Perry claimed that the cast was “understanding” “patient.”He also used an unusual analogy to describe the support they provided during this trying time: “It’s like penguins,”He elaborated. “In nature, when one is sick or very injured, the other penguins surround it and prop it up and walk around until that penguin can walk on its own. And that’s kind of what the cast did for me.”

Perry especially credits Jennifer Aniston. “She was the one that reached out the most,”He stated this in Interviews coming soonDiane Sawyer, ABC. “I’m really grateful to her for that.”He also mentioned a moment that he wrote about in his memoir. Aniston approached him to tell him. “We know you were drinking.” “Imagine how scary a moment that was,”Perry thought. Luckily, she — and the other “Friends” — were indeed there for him, and Perry’s now celebrating 18 consecutive monthsSobriety. 

Help is available for anyone suffering from addiction. Visit the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Website Contact SAMHSA’s National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357)