Master the Surface Sweep Method: The Interiors Pro’s Secret to Efficient Hoovering and a Cleaner Home!

12 Easy Cleaning Hacks To Keep Your Home Spotless (2021 Update)

Are you tired of constantly cleaning your home only to feel like it’s never truly clean? Interior design guru, Taryn Maria, has shared 12 simple yet effective tips to keep your home spotless with minimal effort. One of her hoovering tips is a game-changer for those tired of dealing with crumbs on the floor. Let’s dive into these easy hacks to transform your cleaning routine.

Clear Surfaces Before Vacuuming

Before you start vacuuming, take a moment to clear off any surfaces in your home. This quick step ensures that your floor stays cleaner for longer. It doesn’t have to be a deep clean – Taryn often just sweeps crumbs from her kitchen table directly onto the floor. This simple habit makes vacuuming more efficient and prevents dirt and dust from accumulating.

Stick To The Two Thing Rule

Taryn recommends following the “two thing rule” when moving between different areas of your home. Whether you’re going upstairs or downstairs, bring two items with you that belong in that specific location. This rule helps you stay organized and prevents items from cluttering up your living space.

Clean Bathrooms and Toilets At The Same Time

If you have multiple bathrooms in your home, make it a habit to clean them all at once. Since you’ll likely need the same cleaning products for each space, tackling them together saves time and effort. While it may take a bit longer, cleaning all bathrooms simultaneously ensures a thorough and consistent clean.

Clean As You Cook

Make the most of your cooking time by tidying up as you go. Use spare moments to wipe down surfaces, wash dishes as you use them, and organize your kitchen. By tackling small tasks while cooking, you prevent them from accumulating and becoming a larger chore later on.

Have Assigned Cups and Mugs

To minimize dirty dishes, designate a single cup or mug for your use throughout the day. Simply rinse it out between uses and avoid cluttering your home with multiple glasses. This small change can make a big difference in maintaining a clean and organized space.

Follow A Simple Schedule

Creating a cleaning schedule can help you stay on top of household tasks without feeling overwhelmed. Whether it’s vacuuming on Wednesdays or doing laundry on Sundays, establishing a routine ensures that nothing gets overlooked. By following a schedule, you eliminate the stress of wondering what needs to be done each day.

Open and Close The Kitchen

Start and end your day with a clean kitchen. Each morning, ensure your kitchen is tidy and ready for the day ahead. Similarly, in the evening, take the time to wash dishes, put items away, and prepare for the next morning. By bookending your day with kitchen maintenance, you set yourself up for success.

Clear The Fridge and Kitchen Cupboards Before Grocery Shopping

Before heading to the store, check your fridge, freezer, and cabinets to see what needs to be used up or thrown out. This practice streamlines your grocery shopping and cleaning routines, preventing items from getting lost or forgotten in the back of your storage spaces.

Replace Air Filters

Don’t forget to replace or clean your home’s air filters regularly. Keeping them clean not only improves air quality but also reduces the amount of dust in your home. By staying on top of filter maintenance, you can enjoy a cleaner and fresher living environment.

Keep Pets Clean

If you have pets, keep a towel near the front door to quickly clean them off after walks or outdoor play. This simple step prevents muddy paws from tracking dirt throughout your home, minimizing the need for extensive cleaning.

Create A Landing Pad

If you struggle to put things away immediately, designate a specific area as a landing pad for items that need to be put away later. By having a designated space for temporary storage, you prevent clutter from accumulating in your living areas.

Use Pockets of Free Time

Make the most of small pockets of free time throughout your day by tackling quick cleaning tasks. Whether you have a few minutes before leaving for work or while waiting for an appointment, use these moments to stay on top of household chores. By addressing small tasks as they arise, you prevent them from turning into larger, time-consuming projects.

By incorporating these easy cleaning hacks into your daily routine, you can maintain a spotless home with minimal effort. Follow Taryn Maria’s expert advice to streamline your cleaning process and enjoy a cleaner, more organized living space.