Master the IQ Test: Identifying Two Deadly Desert Animals for Ultimate Survival

Unsolved Cactus Puzzle: Spot the Deadly Animals in the Image Easily Quiz Challenge

Can You Spot the Scorpion and Snake in This Mind-Bending Image?

If you can spot the other animal besides the scorpion, you may be a genius and have a really high IQ.

The image shows a cowboy relaxing in a desert landscape — and although it appears to be an inhospitable habitat, there are two dangerous creatures that call the place home.

Have you found them yet?

Here’s a clue – a snake is slithering somewhere in the image.

This puzzle is especially tricky as the image consists of brown and neutral tones, similar colors as the creatures.

Still no luck? Don’t worry we have included the answer below – along with some more tricky brainteasers to try.

Brainteasers are purposefully designed to trick our vision and can be used as simple determiners of intelligence. They are widely regarded as helping improve our attention spans, concentration, and overall cognitive abilities.

While you scroll why not try some other brainteasers, such as trying to spot the heart hidden among the elephants or spot the cheeky chick hiding among the ducks? You could also aim to be crowned with perfect 20/20 vision if you can spot the three rabbits hiding in a tree in this illusion in under 15 seconds.

And, if you want to give another optical illusion a try, then have a go at spotting the two hidden puppies in the dark park. Alternatively, you can also try finding the hidden monkey hiding in this image before the zoo closes for the night. Or if you are up for a real challenge, try figuring out the hidden message in this band’s cover art that has confused fans for years.

Below you find the answer to the cactus puzzle above as well as some more challenges to try.

If you managed to solve the cacti puzzle in less than a minute, give yourself a pat on the back. However, if you solved it in less than six seconds, congratulations as you have just been certified as a genius with impeccable 20/20 vision.