Marvel’s most exciting Doctor Strange 2 cameos could be confirmed

Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness will be one of the most exciting MCU movies of Phase 4 — the cherry on top of all the multiverse action to date. Movies and shows like Loki, What If…??, and Spider-Man, There’s No Way Home have started exploring the multiverse, and that’s not even counting the multiverse teases from previous phases. Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), is one of the most powerful superheroes in Marvel Cinematic Universe. He can figure out multiverse issues and try to solve them. He’ll likely encounter multiple Avenger variants in the different realities that he will visit. That opens up the possibility of some incredible cameos that could offer different takes on well-known characters from movies based on Marvel’s comics.

Here are some exciting suggestions. Doctor Strange 2 cameos might have been confirmed already — though we’ll warn you that You’ll find exciting spoilers ahead.

Doctor Strange 2The multiverse magic,

Marvel can use the multiverse to make whatever movies, TV shows and characters it likes. That’s both good and bad news for fans. One, the multiverse could give us the chance to see Robert Downey Jr. again as Iron Man and Tony Stark without Marvel ruining the experience. Endgame


The multiverse, on the other hand can make these movies less serious and offer a solution for all problems. One example is the Loki (Tom Hiddleston). Loki is not the God of Mischief that we’ve observed for more than a decade in the MCU. He’s a variant that had a very different arc.

But there is one great side-effect of the multiverse that we’ll come to appreciate in a few weeks when No Way Home drops. Thanks to the multiverse, Marvel will connect the MCU to Sony’s Spider-Man Universe and Netflix’s Marvel shows.

That’s what makes Doctor Strange 2Even more ambitious. Marvel can connect the MCU to the universe Fox created and the Marvel characters it controlled. This includes Deadpool, X-Men and the Fantastic Four.

Loki, of course, has a role in all of it. That’s because the events in the Disney PlusShow has unleashed MCU multiverse.

Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), holds a cup with the words “Doctor Strange” written on it “For Fox Sake”The trailer for No Way Home. Image source: Sony, Marvel

The LokiCamo rumors

We knew this before Phase 4 began. LokiIt would be possible to tie into Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness. Kevin Feige ConfirmedThat was some time ago, suggesting that Loki would appear as a character in the movie. We didn’t know how these two projects connected.

We have now seen the first season. LokiWe know the larger picture. Loki and Sylvie, Sophie Di Martino, refused to accept their roles in protecting the timeline. Sylvie decided not to follow the Kang (Jonathan Majors’) example. Because of this, the MCU multiverse has no restrictions on its evolution and is not subject to any pruning by the TVA. And it’s free to intersect with other multiverses.

Therefore, it wasn’t surprising to see rumors claiming that characters from LokiIt would appear in Doctor Strange 2. Loki and Sylvie are usually mentioned, but Owen Wilson’s Mobius is also a possibility.

Strange Supreme next Thor in What If…? mid-season trailer. Image source: Marvel Studios

The plot leaks and reshoots

Only a few weeks ago, the Doctor Strange 2 leaks started pouring out online. Leaks revealed the entire plot, the villain’s identity, the exciting cameos, the expected casualties, and the post-credits scenes. Marvel, along with several other MCU movies, delayed the movie.

Word on the street was that Marvel wanted to fix the sequel’s story and add in more cameos from the MCU to make fans happy. In interviews shortly after, Cumberbatch confirmed that there were extensive reshoots. He These issues were addressedInterview with them again Empire. An excerpt of the magazine’s January edition gives us this quote from the actor:

We’re in the middle of reshoots and we’re working incredibly hard to make a schedule work to realize the full potential of the film – bits that we want to do better but also bits that were just impossible to do on the day because of logistics, COVID, etc. This was why we were so late in production. Luckily, this did not affect production. Even though everything moves a bit slower.

Cumberbatch didn’t even mention cameos. Loki. But Murphy’s Multiverse observed an exciting development on the movie’s IMDb page, which you can see in the screenshot below:

Doctor Strange 2 stunt credits tease Loki cameos by Sylvie and Mobius. Image source: IMDB

Spoilers in The Doctor Strange 2Credits

The cast list credits the stunt doubles Hiddleston, Di Martino, Owen Wilson. Anyone could add their names to the cast list if they had access to it. However, the performers are most likely to make this happen. Marvel could rectify this mistake if necessary. But, the stunt double credits were still there in September. And Marvel hasn’t made any effort to remove them.

A few days ago, a report said that actors from Marvel’s Disney Plus shows who were not available while Doctor Strange 2The film will feature a cameo by Sylvie and Loki. Given the multiverse focus, we suggested that Sylvie and Loki were possible candidates. We should also mention that Michael Waldron was a writer. LokiAnd Doctor Strange 2. He also consulted on There is no way homeAs well.

Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of MadnessIt opens May 6, 2022. And we’ll probably get even more clues about the LokiIn the next months, connection