Marie Osmond Naps on the Sofa of her Late Son after She Moved to an Old Home With Her Spouse, Who Restored ‘Pieces”

Marie Osmond and Steve Craig, 2022 | Marie Osmond, 2020, and her Jesus statue, 2021 | Marie Osmond and Steve Craig, 2021 | Source:

Marie Osmond, who lost her son, Steve Craig, to suicide, at age 18, was supported by her true love Steve Craig. They began dating secretly, before they remarried 25 years later. He became a loving stepfather to their children. Marie has moved in with the couple to Marie’s home so she can mourn her lost son and spend time with her loved one.

Marie Osmond and Steve Craig were in love in the 1980s. They got married in 1982. In 1982, the former production designer was married to the former. “The Talk”Stephen, their son and only child, was received by the host.

Marie married Brian Blosil, her second husband, in 1986, three years after their marriage. Seven children were born to the singer during her second marriage: Jessica (Rachael), Brandon, Brianna Matthew and Abigail.

Source: Getty Images| Source: Getty Images

After almost 20 years of marriage however, the 2007 “Read My Lips”Brian, the songstress Their union was concluded. You can find the book here “Behind the Smile: My Journey out of Postpartum Depression,”Marie shared her experience with her children.

She described how she felt when her children were present in her life. Star revealed that her feelings about her adopted children were identical to her feelings about her biological children.

Marie Osmond (Brian Blosil) and Marie Osmond (Marie Osmond) sign books at Marie Osmond’s book signing “Behind the Smile” Source: Getty Images| Source: Getty Images

When asked who of her children she had adopted, the singer said that she couldn’t recall as there was no difference. The mother was a loving one and told her children she would make mistakes. She hoped that they would forgive her. Addition:

“I will probably never be the perfect mother, but I will always have a perfect love for you.”

Donny Osmond and Marie Osmond with their children at Ringling Bros. Source: Getty Images| Source: Getty Images

Her book contains the following: “Might as Well Laugh About it Now,”The “Dancing With the Stars (DWTS)”Alum She was a good friend. “endless devotion”To the eight people she loved most than words could ever convey – her children. She DescribedHer children as the “daily joy”She is the love of her life.

Marie noted that her children were a source for joy, tears and inspiration. Marie also shared how her brood provided her with things to ponder, write about, and then referred to them as her world.

Marie was not only a mother but also a woman who was meant to find love. When she was a widow, her bond with her first husband helped to bring them together again.

Marie found love again after losing someone close and dear

Marie lost her heart to the second divorce. However, she was able to have the beautiful children she loved. In 2009, Marie’s despair was turned around when she found her way to her first husband.

Marie Osmond at 14th annual Andre Agassi foundation for education’s Grand Slam for Children Benefit concert, September 26, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Source: Getty Images| Source: Getty Images

The star and Steve dated in secret for nearly two years before they remarried in 2011. The singer spoke with ABC News in the same year about why they had kept their relationship secret. Statement:

“I didn’t want anybody to get hurt, you know, if it didn’t work out. And gosh, it just worked out.”

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Marie talks about the impact Steve had on her life after Brian’s death in her marriage. Her first ex-husband was her first husband “life from crazy and hectic and sad and discombobulated.”She DescribedHer marriage to her second ex husband was a success. “tough”Steve shared his experience of putting all the pieces together.

Marie and her children lived with Steve for a while before they married again. left Utah in 2008Brian, and her home. After Brian’s performance on DWTS last year, the musician’s career was revived and she moved to Las Vegas.

Michael, who had been in rehabilitation for substance abuse in 2007, was also moving to a new beginning. Donny Osmond, the older brother of the TV personality, said that she had been struggling with her son’s problems for a while.

Michael seemed to have been doing better during the year that they moved. Marie’s book. “Might As Well Laugh About It,”She is proud to be a mother ShareWhat the high school senior looks like “had been accepted into a performing arts program for high school students.”

Michael Blosil (with Marie Osmond and Donny Osmond), Brandon Osmond and Donny Osmond at 50th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, Los Angeles, California, September 13, 1998. Source: Getty Images| Source: Getty Images

The talented musician enrolled in Los Angeles’ Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising. According to his friend, he was happy in Los Angeles and loved it. His mother was equally pleased.

Marie expressed her admiration for Michael in a tweet. She also highlighted how he took control of his destiny. He had made significant changes in his life, including legally changing his last name to Bryan from Blosil.

Brian, a music production engineer, had separated from the teenager for many months. Brian died in suicide at his downtown Los Angeles apartment, 18 years after the death of Brian. The tragedy left Marie “absolutely devastated”She’d visited Michael many times in Los Angeles.

Jonathan Roberts was the star’s DWTS dancing partner. He recalled Michael’s mother visiting him in rehabilitation. He also revealed how he and Marie would stop taking dance lessons to be able to call each other sons.

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Marie Osmond with Jonathan Roberts. “Dancing with the Stars” Source: Getty Images| Source: Getty Images

Roberts DescribedThe singer describes herself as someone who made time for her family and was always there to help them. “good mother.”A friend of the family revealed that Steve had been supportive during this time and knew her son was in trouble, but she never imagined what he would do.

Michael’s friends and roommates claimed that he was clean and sober when he died. TMZ sources claim that Michael’s friends and roommates also told police that he had attempted suicide before. Recently, you have been struggling.

Donny encouraged fans to pray during the difficult time for his sister and her family. Michael left a note saying that he was unable to live with the severe depression and feeling that he wasn’t accepted by his friends. Statement:

“His mother Marie, who helped him fight the condition throughout his life, is devastated by the loss.”

Marie was able to rely on her faith to get her through the tragedy. There was also something to celebrate as she and Steve moved on to the next stage of their relationship.

Finding support from Steve and becoming a stepfather for her children

The “Donny & Marie” star once She was credited with her faithShe is grateful to Steve for his support in her difficult moments and second marriage. They got married May 4, 2011, Olive Osmond’s birthday.

Olive was the “Paper Roses”Songstress’s mother. Marie was interviewed by Closer Weekly in a previous interview. Detailed explanationBecause she loved her son and her mother, she had chosen that date. “to be there for the wedding [in spirit].”

Steve was the stepfather of his seven children. His wife once said that he was a great dad to them all. According to the singer, he was the only person she can respect and love more. Add:

“I am so happy and look forward to sharing my life with Stephen, who is an amazing man as well as a great father to my children.”

After their first divorce, the couple married in Las Vegas almost 30 years later! Marie stated that she was happy and eager to share her life again with the ex-basketball player. She described him as an incredible man.

Their private wedding ceremony took place at Las Vegas’ Mormon Temple. While their Nevada reception was held at their Nevada residence, The same Ret Turner gown that she wore when she first married Steve was worn by the vocalist.

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Donny was interviewed by ET. Steve and his sister were “right for each other”We also noted Marie’s kindness. “so happy.”Many years later, the happy couple moved back to the home that Brian and the singer shared.

Moving back to Utah to spend years happy and calm

Marie ShareWhat she and her husband did together “spent so much time together”It was as if they were making up for 25 years that they had been apart. She gave an example showing the progress they had made since getting married. It is possible to say:

“We went to L.A., and we sold my house there, and it was just the two of us packing it up. We loved it.”

Steve’s wife, Lisa, shared her feelings of realization when she packed up her house. The star Became awareShe knew she had things to let go, as well as distractions, but she also saw the important things.

The couple is also adjusting to life with no children. Their brood had grown up in early 2021 with Stephen, 37, Jessica, 31, Rachael 31; Brandon, 24, Brianna 23; Matthew 21; Abigail 18, and Stephen, 33.

The empty nesters felt completely alone for the first-time. The empty nesters were completely alone by October 2022. “Goin’ Coconuts”Actress gave her fans more views of her Utah home via social media. It featured an elegant kitchen with gorgeous hardwood floors.

The view from her home was breathtaking. Marie explained that she was proud to have owned every house she ever lived in. DescribedAs “My place, my space,”While once again talking about her craft area.

She used the room to do craft work, paint, read, and create good memories. A stunning white couch, which the singer purchased with Michael, was placed against the wall of the craft area. StatementWhile you are tearing up:

“This is Mike’s couch. This is the one thing I wanted. This is the last thing we bought together.”

The star said that the couch was her favorite place to take a nap because it was comfortable. She can recall Michael buying it for her and how much she loved it.

Marie explained that these were the things mothers valued most. Her Utah estate included a craft room as well as a home theater and a recreation room. There was also an island in her outdoor swimming pool that she used for relaxation.

The singer had dark wood cabinets installed in her kitchen, as well as a matching large table. Marie and her husband were able to relax in the living area, which had a large centerpiece couch as well as other chairs.

The star’s favourite area was her main bedroom, which had a king-sized mattress. A home office was also hers with lots of bookshelves and flower arrangements. Her backyard had a stone walkway leading out to a patio.

RELATED: Marie Osmond’s Home: Marie keeps Memories of Her Son who Died in 2010 at 18

The backyard has a stone walkway leading to a patio with a lounge area. Marie had a large doll collection, which she began as a child.

It was a grand and luxurious mansion, which made it easy for Steve and her to leave Los Angeles during the COVID-19 social pandemic. According to the vocalist, she and her husband returned to their home.

She was still part of the March 2020 group. “The Talk,”Steve’s wife stated that they enjoy spending time together at the estate. She noted that they had remarried after having been apart for about 25 years and then suddenly found themselves alone.

Marie was able the exclusive area where she built her estate. [Osmond]Steve [Craig]You have a lot to be private.

Marie explained that this was the first time they had been alone together since she can remember. The musician kept track of her children using family group texts during the pandemic lockdown.

Star was happy to sit down and receive all messages. ReadThe “beautiful” texts. She expressed her delight at the closer bonding of siblings.

Digital Journal spoke to her in 2020 that she felt the COVID-19 quarantine was the best advice she had ever received. She said it was from her father, who has always been there for her. TelledShe and her siblings:

“‘The most important work you will ever do is within the walls of your own home.'”

Marie shared that she loved what Marie did and was thankful that she could continue to work from home. But, it was the hard work she put in herself and her family that brought her the greatest joy.

It was especially true during the pandemic, she said. Urban Platter’s September 20,22 article states that the star’s Orem home is where she was born. It is located in the northern region of UtahCounty is approximately 45 miles from Salt Lake City.

The publication stated that the majority of residents were religious. The property was built with hardwood flooring, tiles, and carpet in 1996. The exterior of the two-story mansion was constructed using bricks.

It had a basement, an attached carport, a garage, a carport and a small garden. Marie and Steve had lots of privacy when the estate was built.