Luke Combs Rewards 2 Boys who Worked and Saved to Go to His Concert

Country music star Luke Combs is being praised after stopping his concert to talk to two young boys in attendance. 

Bo Fenderson was attending the show with his friend Tanner Hale. To pay for the tickets, they worked hard — stacking piles of firewood for a neighbor.

They said that the job took them 10 hours over two days. A neighbor also gave each boy $100.

They brought signs to show their support for their favorite singer and they succeeded!

Luke Combs even took $140 out of his pocket and gave it the boys. 

Their moms say it was a great lesson for their kids to learn — “Work hard and look what can happen.”

Combs also gave back all 15,000 tickets to his Bangor, Maine show that night, after he claimed vocal issues had reduced his performance to less than 100 percent.