Lucy Hale discusses Having Acne Despite Being an Actress

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  • Lucy Hale spoke to Glamour recently about her beauty routine, and how she has dealt with acne all her life.
  • She remembered special lighting being used during filming “Pretty Little Liars”Acne concealer.
  • The actress claims she is now accepting her acne and has discovered ways to manage the condition.

Lucy HaleRecently, about was opened Her journey with Acne


Glamour spoke with me about the publication’s future. Acne Diaries seriesShe recalled how she cried during her breakouts in the early days of acting. She stated that she had days when she didn’t feel like crying. “want to be in front of a camera.”

“I remember vividly one day we were filming ‘Pretty Little Liars’ — and the show’s called ‘Pretty Little Liars,’ so they wanted us to look a certain way,”Hale on Glamour “We had to specially light my skin to reflect in a different way so you wouldn’t see my acne. I remember being just so embarrassed and mortified.”

Lucy Hale (@lucyhale), shared this post

Hale said that it was important to be aware of the benefits of having “bad skin”Growing up adds an additional layer. “getting comfortable with who you are.”

“I think the reason I’m so obsessed with skin care and beauty is because I struggled with my skin — you just want to crawl in a hole,”She spoke. “It feels very isolating, and it can feel so heavy and so difficult. Looking back, I wish I could have had more grace and compassion with myself, but when you’re in it, it’s excruciating.”

According to the actress she manages her acne now by treating her skin type and minimizing the number of products she uses. She also changed her outlook.

“I think I’ve just accepted that I’ll deal with breakouts my whole life,”Hale stated. “It’s also important for all of us to realize that skin has texture. Skin has pores. Skin has zits.”

She continued: “We don’t see that as much anymore because we’re all on our phones, and we’re seeing all these filters and gorgeous people, and so it’s hard for us to remember that it’s OK to have skin that looks like skin.”

Hale is now one of many celebrities who have spoken out publicly about acne.

Bella Thorne (above), Adwoa Aboah (below) and Justin Bieber took to Instagram to discuss their skins and show pictures of their acne in the past.