Love and Thunder trailer may soon be available

The release date for the July 8th edition is Thor: Love and ThunderAfter the Avengers movie, Marvel’s next big movie will hit theaters. Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness. However, Marvel hasn’t started promoting Thor 4Yet, the main focus is still on Moon KnightAnd Doctor Strange 2. Marvel Insider claims that the first Thor: Love and ThunderTrailer is on the horizon, and it might be available by the end-of-the month.

Be aware Some Thor 4Spoilers may be found below.

Thor (Chris Hemsworth), is one of only two original Avengers who has not yet retired. He’s also a fan-favorite superhero that got far more exciting once Taika Waititi took over the franchise. Thor: Ragnarok

It is easily one of the highlights of the Infinity SagaThis movie is quite a departure from the other two.

You can also add the enormous character development in Infinity WarAnd EndgameThis is why you want to find out what happens next. Is Thor going to be fat in the next sequel? Will he be friendly with the Guardians of the Galaxy

Then there’s Jane (Natalie Portman), who will take over the Thor role by the end of Love and Thunder.

With this information in mind, Love and ThunderIt is extremely exciting. You don’t need to see a trailer to want to watch the next Thor story. You’ve got Waititi directing, a bunch of exciting cameos in place, a new Thor, and a god-killing villain. OK, maybe the trailer needs to introduce the second aspect.

Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Thor: Ragnarok trailer Image source: Marvel Studios

When will the Thor: Love and ThunderTrailer release

Christian Bale portrays Gorr the God Butcher Love and ThunderThe MCU’s newest villain. We’ve known the identity of Bale’s character for months, and it’ll certainly be exciting to see him play an antagonist in a superhero movie. The trailer for the movie should give us an idea of what to expect. Love and Thunder villain.

If a Marvel insider is to be believed, we’re getting the trailer by the end of March. That’s what Nick Santos hinted on Twitter, answering questions from followers.

That’s by no means official news from Marvel, however. And Marvel isn’t in the habit of announcing trailers. For Multiverse of MadnessMarvel unveiled the first trailer towards the end of There is no way homeFans who attended the screening were surprised to discover that it was actually a surprise. A few days later, the official YouTube release was released. In mid-February, the Super Bowl trailer was released.

First Thor: Love and Thunder trailer premiere in late March makes sense, considering the film’s July release date. But, again, that’s just a leak for the time being.

Redditors Keep track of Santos’s prediction say he was correct about the second Doctor Strange 2 trailer dropping on Super Bowl day. Correct information was also given by him about the Ms. MarvelAnd Obi-Wan trailers.

More Marvel coverage: For more MCU news, visit our Marvel guide.