The classic American animated series revival has been a treat for everyone who spent their childhood watching Cartoon Network. Looney Tunes was a popular animated series that dates back to the 40s and the 50s. The revival 2020 series comprises two seasons and a ninety-second short online video on the 12th of June 2019.
The original show was developed by Warner Bros. Animation, featuring iconic characters like Tweety, Daffy Duck, and the heart of Looney Tunes, Bugs Bunny. The modern-day adaptation is driven by the gag, with stories that are virtually stunning and simple.
The second season of Looney Tunes revival was released on the 8th of July 2021.
Where can you watch Looney Tunes Season 2?
Back on the 5th of July 2021, the series left premiered on TV via Cartoon Network. At the time of writing, the series is running on Cartoon Network as of now. However, HBO Max will be scratching off the animated series from the channel after the 16th of July 2021.
If you’re looking forward to streaming the animated series, then you’d have to log in with HBO Max to enjoy the series. However, if you do not have access to HBO Max and want to watch the series for free, then there’s a trick you can use.
With Hulu, you get HBO Max for a 7-day trial. Please do not rely on pirated websites to watch Looney Tunes season 2; it is a criminal offense, and people using these websites might face jail time and have to provide a fine for the criminal offense.
Watch the official trailer for Looney Tunes season 2 below:
Looney Tunes Season 3: Details on the forthcoming season
The fourth set of Looney Tunes is featured in the second season. Additionally, Jim Soper, associated with the animated series, revealed that the production for several more episodes is in the making.
Soper also revealed that the cartoon already featured over a thousand minutes of animated sequence are completed. The third season will premiere sometime later in 2021 or mid-2022.