Khloe Kardashian stops an Instagram troll from making fun of her hands

People online regularly harass the Kardashian family. The latest victim of the internet? Khloe Kardashian.

Koko posted a series of photos earlier in the week. Some fans decided to focus on Koko’s hands and label them looking. “scary.” (Because apparently, her hands were the most interesting part of these photos—not!).

Khloe did not address all the criticisms, but it appears that she may have seen some of it.

Khloe laughed at the hater for trying to mock her topless photo with her hands under her hair, when she posted a photo advertising Good American.

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The Instagram user commented. “‘Oh lord, she’s hiding her hands,”In reference to previous criticism Khloe had received.

The reality TV star gave the perfect response. “lol never. My hands are beautiful baby.”

Khloe might be familiar with the fact that she will often go to great lengths to remove a photo from the internet that she does not approve of. She’s been open about her struggles with her body image.

“I am not perfect but I promise you that I try every day to live my life as honestly as possible and with empathy and kindness. It doesn’t mean that I have not made mistakes. But I’m not going to lie. It’s almost unbearable trying to live up to the impossible standards that the public have all set for me,”She wroteIn a statement

“‘For over a decade now in photos, every single flaw and imperfection has been micro-analyzed and made fun of to the smallest detail and I am reminded of them everyday by the world. And when I take that criticism to use as motivation to get myself in the best shape of my life and to even help others with the same struggles, I am told I couldn’t have done it through hard work and I must have paid for it all.”

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