The nun in Kerala has reportedly accused the former Bishop, Franco Mulakkal of rape did file a new complaint. The complaint alleges that Mulakkal, as well as his supporters, are allegedly accused of online harassment. The victim has forwarded her complaint to the commission of Kerala Women where she has claimed Mulakkal of utilizing the notable social media platforms with an intent to defame her.
The report also suggests that Mulakkal along with his supports have been circulated videos of her across the web. The complaint also states that the video has been intended towards abusing, disrespecting, influencing and intimidating the witness. In addition to this, the nun also said that the action by Mulakkal is directly in violation of the conditions of bail which was provided by the high court of Kerala. Moreover, the actions sought the intervention of the women’s commission.
As of now, Mulkkal has been instructed to appear in the session court of Kottayam Additional on the 11th of November 2019.
Protest by Lucy Kalappura
In the meantime, Sister Lucy Kalappura, a nun who has been actively participating in the protests to take down Mulakkal did issue the notice of show cause by FCC across Kerala. The FCC did also demand Kalappura should withdraw her complaint which she has lodged with the police against a nun and apologize to her.
The complaint filed by sister Lucy is regarding the ordeals and confinement conducted by nuns at the convent. Soon after that Sr Lucy was instructed to abandon the premises of Congress. However, she did continue to stay there.