
Kevin Hart’s Says Jumanji is coming back! Jumanji 4 Release Date

Supernatural board game- Jumanji’s adventure series is our beloved fantasy since 1995. Back then it starred late Robin Williams, who gets trapped in this board game and after struggles and adventures, he makes his way out of the game. After it, several sequels were made following the pattern like Welcome to the Jungle in 2017 and Jumanji: The Next Level in 2019. Since Jumanji 3, the fans are desperately waiting for updates on the renewal status for the next sequel.

So, finally, the actor Kevin Hart has confirmed for the Jumanji 4 getting a green light for renewal. Read on to know everything we know so far for Jumanji 4.

Everything we know so far about Jumanji 4

After the popular hits Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle in 2017, Jumanji: The Next Level in 2019, the 3rd sequel to the original Jumanji in 1995, Jumanji 4 is an upcoming adventurous board game. The fans could witness their favorite Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, and Jack Black in this sequel as well.

2021 December could be early speculation for the release date. But, stay tuned for further updates for Jumanji 4.

In an interview, the actor confirmed that Jumanji 4 will surely happen. But, the delays are due to the fact that the other actors are busy with other projects. Soon they all will be returning for the fantasy adventure sequel 4. In addition to this, sequel 3 ended with the surprise death of Brutal Villain (Rory McCann). But, Jumanji 4 will reveal he is the avatar in the game, who is being played by someone. Again, who that mysterious someone is will be revealed in Jumanji 4 only.

Along with this, the updates are that this sequel will be based on the real world similar to the original movie. But, even the actor’s other projects are facing delays longer than expected due to the recent pandemic surge. So, as of now, nothing could be said for sure for the upcoming Jumanji 4. This will a sequel to The Jumanji: The Next Level in 2019 and follow up the events from there onwards.