Juicy GH Spoilers: Portia’s Hidden Agenda for Curtis’ Business Revealed?

Title: Is Portia Secretly Hoping Curtis’ New Business Venture Fails?

General Hospital Spoilers — Curtis Ashford’s New Business Venture

General Hospital (GH) spoilers indicate that Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr) is stepping up as a supportive wife to Curtis Ashford (Donnell Turner) during his latest business endeavor. However, beneath her facade, it seems there may be some hidden doubts and concerns.

GH Spoilers — Portia’s Reservations Surface

When Curtis shared his involvement in Drew Cain’s (Cameron Mathison) expansion plans for Aurora Media, Portia’s initial reaction was one of shock and fear. She appears to be struggling with the idea of sharing Curtis with a new venture, especially after just rekindling their relationship. It’s evident that Portia is hesitant about Curtis returning to work full-time, but what could be causing her to hold back her support?

GH Spoilers — The Impact of Curtis’ Recovery

Following Curtis’ shooting, Portia had to face the possibility of losing him, adding to her anxiety about his latest career move. The sudden shift in Curtis’ priorities has left Portia feeling unsettled, especially as he navigates this new path without consulting her.

GH Spoilers — Adjusting to Change

While Curtis shows enthusiasm for his partnership with Drew, Portia appears less enthused about the potential risks involved in his new venture. As she adjusts to the idea of Curtis spending less time at home and possibly facing danger, Portia’s concerns about their future together continue to grow.

GH Spoilers — Navigating Uncertainties

As Curtis dives headfirst into his new business opportunity, Portia grapples with her conflicting emotions about his independence and career goals. Will she be able to overcome her reservations and fully support Curtis in his endeavors, or will her doubts create tensions in their relationship?

Share your thoughts on Portia’s dilemma and stay tuned for more twists and turns in this General Hospital storyline. Don’t miss out on the latest GH news and updates as the drama unfolds.