Jordan Peele Launches Jupiter’s Claim Park Site

“Nope,” Jordan Peele’s new sci-fi thriller, doesn’t hit theaters until July 22, but you can visit the official site for the film’s fictional Wild West attraction Jupiter’s ClaimRight now

Peele tweeted the link Friday without any explanation.

On the home page, there’s a popup message from cartoon character Ricky “Jupe”Park introduces himself as “former child actor and reality TV star of ‘Kid Sheriff’ fame.” That’s the same name as the character Steven Yuen plays. The actor tells viewers in the latest trailer: “You are going to witness an absolute spectacle,”Before shouting “Are you ready?”He stands in front a mysteriously draped object.

The website says that Jupiter’s Claim is “the bestest darn California Gold Rush theme park in the Santa Clarita / Lancaster area!,” but just as in the movie, something sinister is going on beneath the sunny façade.

The various locations of the park are first pictured in bright sunlight and accompanied by upbeat western music. Slowly, each page becomes darker and more menacing as the daytime scenes turn into night.

Even the page messages can be changed. You can find the “daytime”Setting of “P.O. Box,”The page says, “Send a custom postcard to your friends back home about your unforgettable day at Jupiter’s Claim. Let ‘em know you miss them, but also that they’re missing out. Sign our Guestbook to tell the world how much fun you had, or even leave a message for me, Jupe!”

When the page is in dark mode, it displays the following message: “Let them know you miss them, but also that you might be missing, yourself.”

Any of the characters will also be missing when the “spectacle” happens? Maybe. The strange events, which, yep, seem to be alien in nature, appear to have already claimed the life of Keith David’s character, judging from the trailer. We know about as much as you do, of course, so feel free to speculate wildly and let’s all meet back up when it comes out to see who was right.

“Nope”Stars Keke Palmer, Daniel Kaluuya and Michael Wincott