“John Cena shocks Oscars audience by streaking with only a card in jaw-dropping moment with Jimmy Kimmel” #JohnCena #Oscars #streaking #JimmyKimmel #shockingmoment

Shocking: John Cena Streaks at Oscars Ceremony

John Cena, a professional wrestler at the age of 46, surprised everyone at the Oscars ceremony by appearing naked with just an envelope covering him next to the host, Jimmy Kimmel.

Bold Move by Cena at the Oscars

**Cena’s Bold Move:** Cena scooted out onto the stage in just his birthday suit during a major shock moment for everyone attending the Oscars in order to present the award for the best costume design.

The Importance of Costumes According to Cena

**Emphasizing Costume Importance:** Upon reaching the microphone, Cena uttered the word “Costumes” and then shook his head followed by saying, “they are so important.”

Historical References and Cena’s Reception

**Historical Streaking:** Despite the obvious fact of Cena being naked, the audience still responded with wild applause as he made his way out onto the stage. Interestingly, Cena is not the first person to streak at the Oscars, with host Kimmel even mentioning Robert Opel streaking at the award show 50 years ago.

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