Joe Biden slammed for taking ANOTHER long weekend at his beach house despite Afghan and border chaos

PRESIDENT Joe Biden has been slammed after he took another long weekend at his beach house despite his administration facing a number of crises.

Biden, who is 78, left Washington Friday morning to go to Rehoboth Beach in Delaware. He did not have any public events.


Joe Biden travelled to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, Friday where he will remain over the weekendCredit: AFP


Biden has a large beach house in Rehoboth BeachCredit: Google Maps

His decision to take time out comes as he faces a number of problems including the FDA rejecting his push for Covid-19 booster shots, the Pentagon admitting it killed Afghan civilians and France recalling its ambassador.

Fox News’ Sean Hannity launched a scathing attack on Biden, questioning his commitment to the country.

“Someone in the administration needs to remind Joe that he’s the president of the United States – he needs to get off his a** and get to work,” Hannity stated. 

“If he’s too weak and frail and slow to handle the job seven days a week, he should step down and retire because right now… there are serious crises on multiple fronts.”

Biden remains unanswered about the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan of US troops.

Friday’s Pentagon admission revealed that the Pentagon had killed 10 innocent civilians, including a US contractor for humanitarian aid and seven children, just one day before Kabul’s final evacuation flights. It was not Islamic State terrorists.

“Our investigation now concludes that the strike was a tragic mistake,’ said the head of US Central Command, Marine Corps General Frank McKenzie.

On the same day, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel voted 16-2 to reject a request for approval of “booster” shots of Pfizer’s two-dose Covid-19 vaccine, upending months of planning by the Biden administration.

The FDA approved a third shot last month for seniors, having given green light to the plan to give people with compromised immune system another jab.

The Biden administration had enough booster shots to cover most Americans, despite the Third World and health groups calling for priority for other countries. They fear that new variants of the deadly virus may emerge.

Someone in the administration needs to remind Joe that he’s the president of the United States – he needs to get off his a** and get to work

Sean Hannity, Fox News

Currently, more than 76 per cent of US adults have been given at least one shot, according to CDC figures, but new infections and deaths have recently soared due to the spread of the Delta variant.

According to reports, around 9,000 migrants, mostly from Haiti, are gathered near Texas in desperate attempts to obtain asylum.

This surge occurred after it was reported that the Biden administration would not deport Haitians entering the country illegally following an earthquake. 


US officials are said to be overwhelmed by the numbers of people wading daily across the Rio Grande at Del Rio.

While they wait for US Customs and Border Patrol to process their applications, people have built a huge camp under the International Bridge.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott said he was sending National Guard troops and officers with the Texas Department of Public Safety to the state’s ports of entry to “deter crossings” and he compared the migrant crisis to the chaotic withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan.

“The Biden administration is in complete disarray and is handling the border crisis as badly as the evacuation from Afghanistan,” He said.  

Compounding the problems for Biden has been France’s withdrawal of its ambassador.


The diplomatic crisis was caused the new security pact with the UK and Australia, known as AUKUS, which will help Australia build nuclear submarines to counter the potential threat from China and rising tensions in the region.

France has been America’s oldest ally, being the first country to recognize the US government with a treaty in 1778, and the two republics have long had close and friendly diplomatic relations.

French officials are furious at the agreement that saw Canberra cancel a $90 million submarine contract with Paris.

According to the New York Post, Biden has made 21 trips to his homes in Delaware since taking office on January 20.

Many of those trips were to Wilmington.

A poll conducted by Reuters/Ipsos Thursday revealed a 50 per cent disapproval and 46 approval of Biden’s performance as president.

A Rasmussen poll gauged disapproval even higher, at 55 per cent with just 43 percent approving of Biden’s performance.


A Delaware State Trooper stands guard on the beach as US President Joe Biden arrives on Marine OneCredit: AFP


Biden is said to have made 21 trips to his homes in Delaware since taking officeCredit: Reuters

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