Joe Biden Calls on Media Outlets to Curb Covid Misinformation

Joe Biden has announced plans to increase distribution of Covid tests at home and better quality masks as a result of the dramatic rise in cases caused by the omicron variant.

However, he concluded his remarks by urging media to reduce misinformation regarding the pandemic.

“I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets: Please deal with the misinformation and disinformation that is on your shows. It has to stop. Covid 19 is one of the most formidable enemies America has ever faced. We have got to work together, not against each other.”

President Trump announced that he would order 500 million more tests to go along with the 500 million already planned. He announced that next week a website where anyone can order free masks will be made public.

Biden also announced six more military medical teams that would be deployed to states hardest hit, including New York, New Jersey and Ohio. Although he did not mention New Mexico in his speech, the White House identified it as the sixth state.

“It’s been a long road,” Biden said. “But what’s clear is we can get through this if everybody does their part. No matter where you live. No matter what your political party. We have got to fight this together.”

“Unfortunately, while our military is stepping up as they always do, there are others sitting on the sidelines, and worse, standing in the way,”Biden continued, calling on those who aren’t vaccinated to get them.

“Personal choice affects us all — our hospitals, our country,”He said.