Jenna Fischer’s Husband Lee Kirk Had an Awkward Comeo on ‘The Office.

Jenna Fischer played Pam Beesly for 8 years in the beloved sitcom The Office. During that time, her character’s romance with co-worker Jim Halpert, played by John Krasinski, was at the heart of the hilarious show.

Fischer, however, has been involved in her own affairs. In 2000, she was married to James Gunn, an Emmy nominee. In 2010, she was remarried to Lee Kirk. There are many fans The Office may even recognize Fischer’s second husband from a special cameo appearance he made on the show.

Lee Kirk, Who Are You?

Lee Kirk is a showbiz veteran, much like Fischer. Based on Broadway WorldKirk was born in Dallas, Texas. According to reports, he graduated from DePaul University’s Theatre School in Chicago. He’s also reportedly a founding member of Saint Ed, a theater collective.

Based on IMDbKirk started writing short films and appeared in them before he wrote his first feature film. Pants on Fire2008 In 2008, he directed and wrote the films. The Giant Mechanical Man (2012) Ordinary World (2016).

Kirk was also responsible for the writing of these plays. Happy Sucker!

And ChampionThese have been seen in multiple theatres throughout the years.

Kirk Rejected Fischer’s Film Idea When They Reconnected In 2008

Fischer and Kirk met for the first time at a festival of film years before falling in love. According to Fischer’s interview with Vulture

Names were chosen from a pool that included screenwriters, actors, and actresses. She was picked to do Kirk’s movie.

But they both were at the time in relationships with different people. According to that same interview, Fischer also appeared in a music video he wrote, although it’s unclear which one she was referring to. Kirk was a friend of Fischer’s and they met in 2008 to discuss making a movie.

In a separate interview, Red Book MagazineFischer presented Kirk with an idea. “very politically” It was turned down. However, it doesn’t seem like there were any hard feelings.

Kirk then pitched Fischer an idea for a film that would feature a silver-painted street performer. Fischer liked the idea and the two began work on the film. The Giant Mechanical Man.

Fischer was still going through her divorce with James Gunn. Kirk had recently ended a seven-year-long affair. According to Fischer’s Vulture Interview, the couple kept their relationship platonic for many months before they began a romantic relationship. Fischer said that they wanted to be professional in order not to jeopardize the project.

Love always finds a way. Slowly, the meetings they had to discuss the film became dates. The rest was history. The Giant Mechanical Man

Premiered in 2012.

Their first public appearance together was at The Emmy Awards 2008.

According to PeopleIn September 2008, Fischer and Kirk were first seen together at the Emmy Awards. According to reports, they got engaged on holiday in Europe in June 2009. This was less than a year after their public debut. Fans of The Office were also celebrating Pam Beesly and Jim Halpert’s engagement on the show at the time.

They were seen at the SAG Awards in January 2009. (Jason Merritt/Getty Images)

Fischer and Kirk wed on July 3, 2010 Fischer revealed the details later. A podcast episode Office Ladies This Survivor Jeff Probst was the actual officiant at their wedding. Fischer says that Probst, Kirk and she became good friends at the Emmys party.

“We ended up really hitting it off, especially Jeff and my then-fiancé, Lee, really hit it off because they had tennis in common. They play tennis together,” Fischer spoke casually during her talk show.

The couple’s first child, a boy named Weston Lee, was born in September 2011. Harper Marie, a girl that the couple welcomed in May 2014 was also their first child.

Kirk Had A Very Awkward and Intimate Cameo. ‘The Office’

If you’re a fan of The Office and you recognize Kirk from somewhere you just can’t put your finger on, we can clear up the mystery. You most likely recognize Kirk as Pam Beesly’s lactation consultant from the Season 6 episode “The Delivery.” After Fischer’s character gave birth, the show put together the perfect cameo for Kirk.

Kirk is a lactation consultant that helps Pam and Jim when their baby struggles to latch on to breastfeeding. In the awkwardly intimate cameo, Kirk’s character makes Jim uncomfortable by getting handsy with Pam’s breasts.

Based on Office Ladies, which Fischer co-hosts with her real-life best friend Angela Kinsey, the hilarious moment was actually inspired by Kinsey’s own troubles breastfeeding.

Kirk actually appeared on his wife’s podcast and revealed that the moment was a bit awkward for him as well. Since he and Fischer hadn’t had kids yet, the idea of a lactation expert’s profession was still a bit foreign to him as well.

It was nevertheless a great episode. It’s certainly special that Fischer and Kirk have the episode to look back on. The episode serves as an awkward and hilarious time capsule of their early years together. It’s clear that, since that cameo, Fischer and Kirk’s relationship has only gotten stronger.