“Jaw-dropping meteorite sighting stuns homeowner as it crashes near property” #SEO #meteorite #homeowner #sighting #property

Shocking Moment Homeowner Watches Meteorite Land Next to Property
A homeowner recounts his unbelievable experience of witnessing a suspected meteorite streak through the sky and crash next to his residence. Dan Charlton was casually enjoying his time in the backyard during the early hours when he noticed a vivid green light and heard a distinct “whoosh” as the mysterious object descended to the ground.

Dan Charlton Witnesses Mysterious Object Falling from the Sky
He said: “I went outside and looked up and saw this light and thought, ‘Is that a firework?’ It was really close. It came down in a straight line and what was interesting was it had a green flame, like a hue, that burnt and then disappeared. You could hear it make a brief ‘whoosh’ sound and then I was expecting a big bang but it was just silent. There was no one else around, and I thought, ‘that’s definitely a meteorite’. I was fascinated. If I had my camera I could’ve caught the last second. That would’ve been awesome.”

Discovery of Charred Rock After the Event
The next day, to Dan’s surprise, he discovered a small charred rock lying in a nearby street. A geologist who examined a picture of the rock mentioned that it “appears to be a meteorite.” Curious about the authenticity of the celestial rock, Dan took it to the University of Leeds where he crossed paths with Professor Simon Kelley from the School of Earth and Environment.

Further Testing Conducted on the Suspected Meteorite
Professor Kelley expressed that it was premature to definitively declare the rock as a meteorite without conducting additional tests. Although the initial observations were intriguing, the professor is currently engaged in further testing to determine the nature of the rock. The mystery surrounding the fascinating incident continues to captivate all those involved as they await the results of the comprehensive analysis.