Jason Alexander Pays Tribute To “TV Mama” Estelle Harris

One of Estelle Harris’ signature roles was playing George Costanza’s (Jason Alexander) mother Estelle on the classic NBC sitcom Seinfeld. Following Harris’ death Saturday evening of natural causes at age 93, she was remembered fondly by Alexander.

“One of my favorite people has passed – my tv mama, Estelle Harris,”Alexander shared his thoughts on Twitter. “The joy of playing with her and relishing her glorious laughter was a treat.”

Alexander inspired one of the greatest lines ever written. Seinfeld, “Serenity now,” originated by George’s father, Frank, who was played on the show by the late Jerry Stiller.

“I adore you, Estelle. Love to your family. Serenity now and always,”Alexander wrote.

In the 1992 episode, it was first introduced. “The Contest”Harris was featured in 27 episodes Seinfeld.

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