Jack Nicholson’s Golf Club Incident You Might Not Remember

Jack Nicholson has been known as a passionate golfer. He has used more than his golf clubs on the course. Nicholson was also charged in 1994 with misdemeanor vandalism. Los Angeles Times. Angrily, Nicholson struck the windshield of his car several times with a golfclub. The victim claimed that he did not get out of his vehicle and that the flying glass caused him severe injuries. Witnesses claim that it was a hit and run situation. Nicholson and the man who was with him drove off shortly after the incident. Talk about road rage.

According to Golf DigestThe charges against Nicholson were dropped, and he apologized. According to Nicholson, the actor settled for $500,000. Nicholson said that Nicholson’s anger was triggered by the death of a friend, as well as his hectic film-directing schedule. He was aware of his actions. In a later interview with Golf Digest, he admitted to being fully aware of his actions. Nicholson contemplated the incident.

“I was on my way to the course, and in the midst of this madness I somehow knew what I was doing because I reached into my trunk and specifically selected a club I never used on the course: my 2-iron.” Yikes.