ITV is ‘lurching from one tragic disaster to another’, says Parliament’s media committee boss

UNDER-fire ITV is “lurching from one tragic ­disaster to another”, Parliament’s media committee boss reckons.

Dame Caroline Dinenage insisted: “The public must have confidence in broadcasters to make sure they’re robustly safeguarding the interests of their staff.


Carolyn McCall, ITV’s CEO, will be grilled by Dame Caroline Dinenage later in the monthCredit: Contributor, Getty


An external review of This Morning’s workplace culture will be put into action following the Phillip Schofield scandal
Credit: PA

“Unfortunately ITV don’t have a good track record over the years. We’ve had incidents with Love Island, with Caroline Flack.

“They seem to be lurching from one tragic disaster to another.”

Caroline, the former Love Island host who committed suicide in 2020 at age 40.

ITV’s failure to learn from the mistakes of her mum Christine was criticized by Christine.

Dame Dinenage will grill £3.5million-a-year CEO Carolyn McCall later this month.

The MP told GB News it is time the broadcaster’s boss “answered a few questions”.

In a letter to Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer, McCall, 61, wrote: “Both parties were questioned then and both categorically and repeatedly denied the rumours, as did Phillip’s then agency, YMU.

“In addition, ITV spoke to a number of people who worked on the This Morning and wider Daytime team and were not provided with, and did not find any evidence of, a relationship beyond hearsay and rumour.

“Given the ongoing rumours, we continued to ask questions of both parties, who both continued to deny the rumours, including as recently as this month.”

McCall has since called in a top lawyer for an external review of This Morning’s workplace culture.