Categories: Technology

Instagram is down again. Here’s how to fill your time until it’s back

So Facebook and Instagram are down for a bunch of people, so what should we do now?

It’s always a shocker when some of our go-to social media apps unexpectedly stops working and it’s a big wake-up call on just how much time we spend on the platform.

Honestly, it wasn’t until the last Instagram outage that I realized the wild amount of times we found ourselves phantom reaching to update our feed despite the crashed apps failing to update.

Of course, there is a life outside of the internet — it just seems like most of us need a gentle push or ideas on what to do to fill the time.

We learned our lesson last time on how to equip ourselves for a social outage and have prepared a handful of suggestions on what to do in this situation. Here are 10 ideas on what to do when IG and Facebook stop working.

10-minute at-home workout

As we reach more than a year of working at home one thing has become dramatically apparent: we don’t move nearly as much as we need to. After work, we like to relax with a good Netflix show or scroll on Instagram for a few hours before eventually heading to bed — but where in this schedule do we fit in a daily workout? We don’t. Take this time to unwind and focus on yourself. Put on easy to follow workout video from YouTube or take a walk outside. Your body will thank you.

Clean out your closet

You know the chore you’ve been meaning to do but somehow always find the perfect excuse to put off? Not anymore. You’ll be surprised how much you can organize and clean up with zero distractions. Plus, you know as well as we do that there is a pile of clothes you haven’t worn in the last year, which means it’s time to donate them instead.

Listen to music

Have a dance party in your living room like no one is watching! In between the latest Skepta album and Kanye West’s “Donda” release, there are a few albums we’ve had on our list but have yet to listen to from start to finish. Grab some snacks and zone out to some music for the next few hours.

Call your family or friends

Face it, most of us don’t do it as often as we should. Even if it’s just a five-second call to tell someone you care about that you love them, pick up the phone. Better yet, FaceTime them. You’ll be glad you did and they’ll be happy to hear your voice. If Covid-19 taught us anything, it’s that quality time with your loved ones (even if it’s over the phone) is priceless.

Try out a new recipe

Perhaps there’s a recent TikTok recipe you bookmarked to eventually try out or you’ve been meaning to treat someone to a delicious home-cooked meal. Either way, food is hardly ever a waste of time. Best of all, you’ll have a tasty meal by the end of it.

Take a nap

As what’s coined as the Great Recession of 2021 has shown, most of us are burnt out from working through a major global pandemic. I know as well as you do that I’ve scrolled through one too many TikTok videos until the wee hours of the night when I should have been fast asleep long ago. Take that nap!

Start a side-hobby

No, your love of social media isn’t a hobby. Pick up a book, learn to crochet, meditate, or paint. We guarantee there’s a hobby out there you have yet to try that you’ll fall in love with.

Go shopping

There’s sure to be some party or birthday you’ve been procrastinating on getting a gift for. Use this time to brainstorm a quality gift for your upcoming event.

Enroll in a free online course

Sites like The Open University or Edx have a wide range of courses you can take directly on your computer. Take a class on history, arts, politics, or even learn a new language.

Write in your journal

Drop the notes app and put pen to paper to jot down your thoughts, manifestations, and more.