Independent Russian Media Censor Protests Russian State TV Editor

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  • Russian state TV was interrupted by a protesting editor shouting “Stop the war! No to war!”
  • Novaya Gazeta in Russia covered the protest, but they were unable to display the sign.
  • Russia has enacted new wartime censorship laws to crack down on independent media.

Novaya Gazeta, an independent Russian media outlet, was forced to censor a protest against war that had disrupted Russian state television. This happened as Russia’s government has grown in power. New laws replace censorship of the war in UkraineThese have had an impact on protest and the media. 

Maria Ovsyannikova shouted at a broadcaster Monday. “Stop the war! No to war! Stop the war! No to war!”According to TASS (a Russian-state news agency), Ovsyannikova was an editor at the broadcaster Channel One and was arrested for the demonstration. Insider reported.

Her sign read: “Don’t believe the propaganda”And “They are lying to you here,” Insider reported.

The poster was still blurred on Novaya Gazeta’s website and Twitter feed.

“On the air of the Vremya program, behind the back of the host Ekaterina Andreeva, a girl appeared with a poster, the full content of which we are forbidden to transfer to Roskomnadzor and the Criminal Code,” Novaya Gazeta reported MondayThis is a photo of the protest, with a blurred-out poster.




Novaya Gazeta is known for being an independent news organization, despite Russia’s hostility to freedom of the press — six of its reporters have been killed since it was founded. Dmitry Muratov (editor-in-chief) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize 2021 with Maria Ressa (Filipina journalist). “for their courageous fight for freedom of expression.”

However, since the Russian attack on Ukraine began, the crackdown against Russian media and protesters has intensified, leading to some foreign bureaus pulling out of Russia.

Russian media censorship has led to a certain degree of “Stalinesque crackdown on reporting”For the citizens of the country, Al Jazeera. Journalists, as well as others, can face up to 15 years in prison for using the term. “war”As opposed to “special military operation”In regards to the invasion in Ukraine.

Despite anti-war protests erupting All across the country

Many Russians either deny or completely ignore the existence of The war against Ukraine.

Putin’s war on Ukraine began February 24, 2022. It has claimed the lives of nearly 600 civilians in Ukraine, although this is likely to be an undercount. According to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.