The much-awaited crime-drama TV series, “In The Dark” has already landed on the CW Network. Season 3 recently debuted on the network and got 7.5 ratings on IMDb. However, the Netflix audience is still craving for the third installment of the show. So, when will “In The Dark” Season 3 arrive on Netflix? Here is everything we know.
“In The Dark” is one of the top-rated crime-drama thriller series on the CW Network. Created by Corinne Kingsbury, the first edition of the show landed back in April 2019. With a massive response from the audience, the show quickly topped the viewership count and became one of the most loved shows on The CW. Season 2 amplified the hype among the fans and delivered another thrilling plot to entertain the audience. The Netflix fans simply fall in love with the characters and the rich content of the show. Recently, The CW network has dropped another crime-packed bomb as “In The Dark” Season 3 on June 23. But, the Netflix audience is still waiting for the show’s return. So, when will Season 3 premiere on Netflix? Check out all details below.
“In The Dark” Season 3 Release Date On Netflix
Although the exact release date of “In The Dark” Season 3 on Netflix is not yet revealed, with the arrival of the third installment on The CW Network on June 23, we can predict its release date on Netflix. As per the schedules, Season 3 of “In The Dark” will wrap up on The CW network by September. So, it will be safe to speculate that “In The Dark” Season 3 will land on Netflix at the end of September 2021 or in October 2021.
Which Netflix Regions Will Get “In The Dark” Season 3?
As of now, Netflix has restricted the release of “In The Dark” within the United States. As the streaming king has fewer international distribution contracts with the CW Network, the Netflix audience may miss out on the third installment for now.
Make sure to stay tuned for more interesting updates and news.