I’m a home expert – easy hacks to faking a pristine home in just 10 minutes & it works even if you have kids

Are you tired of your house looking messy? Do you ever feel stressed out when guests arrive at short notice to visit you home?

Home expert reveals how to create a house that looks perfect in 10 minutes.


Interior design expert reveals how to create a clean home in just minutesCredit: Getty

Raf Michalowski is an expert in interior design at The Meable Furniture, revealed it is possible to make your home immaculate with these game-changing steps…

Collect the debris

To fake a clutter free home, you need to work quickly and collect the clutter. 

You can store unorganized items away since your guests are only going to spend time at a few spots. 

Included in this is any mail that has not been opened, as well as toys, batteries, and chargers.

Raf suggested: “Using decorative baskets in the living areas can help to hide clutter in a stylish way.

“If you don’t have any decorative baskets, gather items in a laundry basket and place it in a room that the guests will not be entering.”

Light a candle and open the window

Allow some fresh air to enter your home for a natural, fresh scent. 

You can light a scented candle to help you create the perfect mood. It will also eliminate any smells that may be lingering. 

Organise your dirty dishes

You don’t want to be seen with dirty dishes in your sink, or lying around. To hide your dirty dishes, stack them in the dishwasher. 

“If you cannot hide dirty dishes, stack them and place them on the counter or stovetop. 

“Turning off the lights in the kitchen can keep dirty dishes from view,” says Raf. 

Clean surfaces

Cleaning your surfaces only takes one minute, and it will give your home a more appealing appearance. 

How to empty the bin

Remove your garbage to eliminate unpleasant odors. You can also remove the unattractive source from your house. 


Do a quick sweep of your floors, focusing on the areas that are most heavily used. You can vacuum only the areas that are visible, like the entrance or living area, when you have limited time. 

“Make sure to remove not only the kitchen rubbish bin but the bathroom rubbish bin as well,” says Raf. 

Don’t skip the bathroom

Clean your toilets quickly and clean the counters if you expect guests to visit your bathroom. 

Don’t forget to pick up any clothes you have lying around and add a fresh hand towel.

Cleaning the front door

You can remove excess dirt by wiping your door down and scrubbing your front mat.

You will create a positive first impression on your visitors and they’ll be more likely to stay in a tidy home. 

Don’t forget to check for cobwebs too.

Just clean the areas that guests see

It’s easy to forget what you don’t see. Concentrate on areas where you spend most of your time. 

If you are having guests over to lunch and want to unwind on the couch at the end of the day, clean up the living area.

You should keep the item if you are unable to decide whether or not to give it up within 3 seconds.

It is easy to follow the three-second rule for decluttering. 

In just three seconds you can decide whether or not to keep an object. 

It’s best to keep the item if it’s still unclear afterward.

Decluttering is often a difficult task for people who are overwhelmed and overthinking.

By defining a time frame of three seconds for each thing, you can make quick and instinctive decisions.


Open the window and light a candle to instantly transform a spaceCredit: Getty