I’m a former Hooters girl – I was fired for leaving work to go to a job interview, people say they’re rooting for me

A FORMER Hooters girl went viral after sharing why she believes she was fired from the restaurant.

According to the woman, she lost her job at Hooters when she quit work to attend a job interview.


A Hooters girl who was a former Hooters girl became viral after sharing her story about being fired for leaving work to attend a job interview.Credit: TikTok


The content creator describes the experience at Hooters on TikTokCredit: Getty

TikTok creator @jelon_holloway123 shared several videos on the platform detailing her disappointment and frustration over being fired from Hooters for going to a job interview — which she says she received approval to go to.

In The first videoHolloway dives right in to the story, explaining that Holloway wants a change of job. she’s trying to make something of herself and get out of Hooters.

She tells viewers that earlier that day, she went to work knowing that she had a job interview at 12:30 p.m.

She had asked her manager for permission. She claims she was granted this permission under the condition she make it fast.

“Mind you, people have left work for stupider f*****g reasons and come back. You can leave if you get f*****g permission,” Holloway says.

She said that she had worked for only a few hours before going to her interview. She claims it went well.

Upon her return, the manager acted like nothing was out of the ordinary until the end of the TikTok user’s shift — when they kept her over her scheduled time of 4 p.m.

The woman noticed that the clock was about to expire and was the last to go. She entered an office and was asked by the managers to shut the door behind herself so that they could talk with her.

The new manager at the restaurant asked her about her day and expected her to answer with the information she needed for the job interview.

“So, you left work today, and yeah, that’s called work abandonment. Without permission, immediate termination,”Holloway said, “Imitate the manager.”

The manager who had allegedly granted her permission said that she never had.

In the Second videoThe former employee at Hooters said that she encouraged the manager ask for a witness, who she claimed had asked permission.

“You said, ‘Be fast, like hurry up, make it quick,’ and I said, ‘Okay.’ And you also f******g said, ‘Are you asking me or are you telling me,'” Holloway states.

“I would not have f*****g left my job if my manager told me not to f*****g leave,”She continues.


According to the woman, she wouldn’t have left if she didn’t get permissionCredit: TikTok

The content creator then details her frustration with her manager’s alleged retractions of her permission.

Holloway’s feelings were summed up in the third part. Holloway expressed her frustration at how a former colleague interrupted their conversation and barged into the room to check it out.

Many viewers made supportive comments about the woman in the comments section of many TikToks.

“For people saying she shouldn’t have said she had an interview: part time jobs expect young people to eventually get big girl jobs,”One viewer commented.

“U can sue them for wrongful termination, make that moneeeeyyy!!”An additional option was added.

“Sometimes things fall apart so better things can fall in place! I’m sure you’ll get a better job that pays more!”Another wrote.

Hooters was contacted by the U.S. Sun for comment, but they have yet to respond.


Holloway also expressed her disgust at Hooters corporate and employees in the videosCredit: Getty