Ice-T Fasts and Uses Resistance Bands To Stay Fit

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  • Ice-T stated that intermittent fasting and resistance training helps him stay healthy.
  • Celebrities love intermittent fasting. This involves switching between eating and fasting for a set period.
  • Resistance band exercises are low-impact, but can reduce joint stress.

In an interview with GQ, Ice-T said intermittent fasting and resistance band workouts helps him stay fit at 64.

The veteran rapper and actor, who plays Sergeant Tutuola on “Law and Order: Special Victims Unit,” has been in the public eye for decades and told GQ how he’s maintained his health and physique over the years.

Ice-T admitted that he doesn’t eat a strict diet, and still enjoys sweets, cookies, sugary cereals, and takeouts from Mexican and Chinese restaurants. But he credits intermittent fasting, resistance band workouts, and intermittent fasting for making him ‘the best version of himself’.  

Intermittent fasting can reduce inflammation and promote weight reduction

Intermittent Fasting is a way to alternate between fasting and eating for a specified time. It is popular among athletes and celebrities, like Serena Williams, Ndamukong Suh, Chris Hemsworth, Jennifer Aniston, and Reese Witherspoon. 

Fasting can help reduce the pain caused by high glucose levels. inflammationAndrew Wang, MD, a professor of immunobiology at Yale School of Medicine, previously told Insider. Wang claimed that the body produces less inflammation when burning ketones for energy compared to glucose. 

Research suggests intermittent fasting It is also connected to weight loss.2015 systematic review of 40 studies found that participants lost 7-11 pounds over 10 weeks while intermittent fasting. The key to achieving a healthy weight is to maintain a healthy calorie deficit.

weight loss

Insider has previously reported that the overall picture is good. 

You can exercise your muscles using resistance bands with little impact

Ice-T stated to GQ that he does 100 curls of the biceps every day using his elastic resistance band.

Resistance bands offer unique advantages over weightlifting. For one, they provide tension throughout the whole exercise compared to curling a dumbbell, which is heaviest towards the bottom of the curl and lighter at the top, trainer Don Saladino previously told Insider. 

Resistance bands also have less impact on the body than weightlifting, which can create less strain and stress on the bones and muscles, which can lead to potential injuries and chronic pain, physical therapist Keaton Ray previously told Insider. 

Another celebrity who favors elastic resistance band workouts is Tom Brady, who said resistance bands are the only workout equipment he owns in a blog post for his wellness brand TB12.