I work for Best Buy. Customers who try a common method before entering the store should feel ’embarrassed’

BEST Buy employee revealed what common hackers should do “embarrassed” for doing.

Ellie Zo (@ellie.zo), a TikTok user, complained about the long waits at the store’s entrance.


Ellie Zo, a TikTok user, recently complained about the long waits at the store’s entrance before it opens.Credit: TikTok/ Ellie.zo


Ellie finished the clip by saying that she had given two weeks notice to the company and will soon cease working for them.Credit: TikTok/ Ellie.zo

“Can someone please tell me if this is just a Best Buy thing or does this happen to other stores?”Ellie explains TikTok in this post. Daily Dot


Ellie continues: “People will literally stand outside the door 20 minutes before we’re supposed to open.

“Aren’t you embarrassed waiting outside the door for someone to open it?

“Sit in your car, breathe a little bit, take a f***in’ break. I promise there’s nothing in there that you need that badly that you need to be the first one in the store at open.”

She insists the store will still stock all items that shoppers need if they are able to wait in their car.

Ellie said that she gave two weeks notice to the company and would soon be leaving the job.

One viewer responded to her complaint by saying that she supports shoppers who wait outside the store before it opens.

TikTok user: “Nope went to Chicago and walked to a comic books store before they opened, wanted to be in ASAP so I could go catch my flight.”

Another thought: “I know people that make thousands off of reselling items and they try and get there early because with the shortages they have to…so it makes sense.”

Others, however, supported her criticism.

“When I worked at a clinic people would line up 30 mins before we open expecting to get in…the MD ain’t even there yet,”A different person wrote.

Ellie is currently working on one of her most recent projects. TikTok videosAlso wearing Best Buy work attire, she shared this post with overlay text: “Leaving a job that mentally and physically drains you.”

And in another video clip, Ellie opened up about something else that annoyed her—when customers ask her if there is a man they can speak to.


Best Buy employee tells of a store hack that made her feel embarrassedCredit: Getty