I was the First to Visit the 3 Lesbian Bars Left In NYC

I have been to gay bars in the past, but none that cater to lesbians.

The author (right), and her friend try the WAP shot at Henrietta Hudson.

Emma Miller

Anyone who has ever been to a gay bar will know that it is a safe place for both gay men and straight women who don’t want to be sexy. It can be difficult for a gay woman to find a place where she feels comfortable being herself. 

There are 21 remaining lesbian bars in the country. Three of these are located in New York City. There are nearly four times the number of gay bars in New York City. Time Out


According to a Report by NY1 June 2021The pandemic has caused the closure of three lesbian bars, with some temporary closures. Lea DeLaria says that despite the rise of online dating, and acceptance of gay people more widely, there is still a need for these bars. The Lesbian Bar Project


“There’s a thing when you walk into a gay bar as a gay person, that straight people I don’t think understand at all; where you just go, ‘ah,’ because, you know, you’re in your safe space,” DeLaria. “If we lose these lesbian bars, where are we going to go for community? Where are we going to go, you know, to be together, to have our family?”

Although I hadn’t been to any of the bars before, I was curious to learn more about their significance and to see if it would make me feel more at ease there than other venues. I was also interested to know what the differences were between the three bars when it came to music, dress code, costs, and general vibes — so I grabbed a friend and we went out.