I tried to sell stuff through Facebook. Watch out for scammers who use a well-known trick

FACEBOOK Marketplace can be a fantastic way to make some extra cash for old stuff. But, as I discovered, there are also scammers everywhere.

This is something that I know as a tech journalist.


This is the scam message.

Fraudsters will constantly try new tricks to con you. Selling online can be a risky business.

One of these potentials “buyer”This stunt has been around for some time.

“Is this item still available?”A woman inquired about the bed I was selling.

“Yes,”I replied.

Sometimes it takes a while before you get a response.

Eva, not Eva, is what the woman appears to be called.

Instantly, she wrote back: “Ok. The price suits me. Ok, I buy.

“However, I will make your payment via TNT Express delivery in an envelope, as soon as you receive the money, I will send TNT to your home to collect.”

Do you find this sound strange? It’s a fraud.

Fraudsters have been using FedEx and UPS as delivery services around the world to commit fraud.

Unfortunately, some people fall for the trap but we learn from our mistakes what comes next.

The buyer will ask you to insure the envelope that supposedly contains your cash.

They claim this is a requirement of the delivery provider and promise to leave the extra amount in the envelope so that you don’t go broke.

To lure victims in further, the fraudster will ask for your email address.

They’ll use this to send you a fake email pretending to be from the delivery company where you need to deposit the insurance money.

It will contain a fake tracking code to make it look authentic.

If you continue, you will end up paying the scammer. No delivery service like this will ever arrive.

If you refuse to cooperate, it can lead to serious consequences.

Bad actors may begin with a sympathy card. They might claim that they will lose their money because the delivery order cannot be cancelled.

If you refuse to comply, this can lead to serious consequences.

Facebook Marketplace – Safely Buy

It is always better to meet in person when selling or buying on Facebook Marketplace.

It should be a place for people to meet in public and well-lit.

Do not use payment links. Log in directly to the payment method’s site.

Most sellers prefer to deal in cash when they meet to make sure it’s real.

Facebook Marketplace scammers: How to spot them

It’s always a good idea to take a look at the person’s profile as this could have some tell-tale signs.

The date of account creation is important.

Facebook launched in the UK in 2005, so most people will have accounts that date a few years back.

If you receive a contact from an account that was created recently (in the last few months or weeks), be careful as it could be a scammer.

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