I had to change my name’ says baffled woman after embarrassing AI assistant dating mishap

Robots in the Workplace: How Gendered Names Affect Workplace Harassment

Robots and artificial intelligence are changing the way we work, but what happens when these bots are given female names? An eye-opening comment on Alison Green’s Ask A Manager blog revealed a woman’s horror at having to change the name of an AI bot she uses at work because male colleagues kept asking it on dates. The reader, who shared the troubling incident, has sparked an important conversation about the treatment of bots with gendered names in the workplace.

The Issue of Workplace Harassment

The comment in question was in response to a query written by a reader about the correct treatment of bots in the workplace. The reader shared the problem they were facing, stating, “Men are hitting on my scheduling bot because it has a woman’s name.” This scheduling bot, despite being a non-human entity, was being treated inappropriately due to its gendered name.

Inappropriate Responses to a Scheduling Bot

The scheduling bot, which has a female name as the default, sends out standard salutations and signs off with its name. However, the behavior it was subjected to was shocking. Despite its function being limited to scheduling meetings and sending out generic emails, several men responded to the bot by asking it out on dates. These date invitations were sent from work emails as well as personal emails, crossing the line of appropriate professional behavior.

How Robots Should Be Treated at Work

The incident has raised the question of how robots should be treated in the workplace. The reader noted that this behavior would be inappropriate if it were happening to a human. The implications of allowing such misconduct towards non-human entities like bots have significant repercussions, raising the need to define acceptable behavior towards AI and other automated systems in professional settings. Moreover, it also highlighted the persistent issue of workplace harassment faced by women across various domains.

The Need for Change

The shocking nature of these incidents has sparked the need for change in the workplace. The comment on the blog concluded by emphasizing that if an employee were asking out women after a basic scheduling email, it would be of concern to address the issue. In response to this, Alison Green suggested changing the name of the bot to a male one, insinuating that a gender-neutral or male name may prevent these instances of inappropriate behavior from occurring.

Personal Experiences in the Workplace

Further comments on the blog echoed similar sentiments. A reader, going by the name Miss Kitty, shared her personal experience of having to change her name to a male one when submitting IT support tickets or posting to tech forums. She expressed frustration at having to alter her identity to avoid workplace discrimination and harassment, highlighting a broader problem that persists in professional environments.

In conclusion, the treatment of AI and other robotic systems with gendered names deserves further consideration in the workplace. Incidents like the one shared in the comment on Ask A Manager’s blog signify the need for better understanding and guidelines around professional behavior when interacting with non-human entities. It has also shed light on the ongoing issue of workplace harassment that affects women in various aspects of their professional lives. There is a clear need for systemic change to prevent such incidents and create safer and more inclusive workplaces for all.