How to tell when your flight is delayed. This secret word will be used by your pilot.

With flights frequently being cancelled or delayed, it is helpful to know when you will be landing on the runway.

You can find some phrases that will help you determine if your flight is being delayed.


Code words are often used by pilots to communicate messages to flight attendantsCredit: Getty

Patrick Smith, author of Cockpit Confidential has simplified the technical jargon on the website. Ask The PilotYou could reveal which words might indicate that you are in for a delay.

Listen out for the main message “paperwork”.

Patrick claims that this “paperwork”This is often a revision to the flight plan. It could be something to do the plane’s weight and balance record or just waiting for maintenance staff to put the logbook together.

You should expect a longer wait if your pilot mentions it over the PA system.

Pilots can’t do much to delay a flight if it’s delayed.

A pilot has revealed to passengers that he lies about being able make up lost time in the event of a delayed flight.

Reddit user he wrote: “There’s very little we can do to make-up time.”

“The longer the flight, the more we can do, but still, we’re talking 5-10 minutes, not an hour.”

Hidden messages can be used by many people aboard a plane, not just pilots.

Also, the cabin crew will have their own code words.

Pilot attendant and author Crewed Talk column on Amanda Pleva explains that secret words can help keep calm during a flight.

She explained that the codes are used by the crew to maintain calm in the cabin.

“We’re specially trained in emergency situations, and panic can cause us to lose control of a situation and end up in injury or death.”

Not all codes, however, restore calm in the cockpit.

Other words are used so that passengers aboard don’t understand what’s going on. “cropdusting”.

This rude expression was used by cabin crew. “Cropdusting is a disgusting, albeit very common, method of retribution,”Pleva.

“If a passenger is being very rude and difficult, then it’s not unheard of for a flight attendant to break wind and ‘cropdust’ past the offender.”

“Childish? Yes. Satisfying? Also yes.”

A flight attendant has revealed what secret areas planes have that many people mistakenly believe to be storage.

This cabin crew member also explained why they don’t drink water on planes.


If a pilot uses the word, “paperwork”Your flight may be delayedCredit: Getty