How to make My Opa’s Homemade jam recipe, the Best Breakfast Condiment

My Opa, Dutch for grandfather, has been making his jam for as long I can recall.

Opa loves his jam.

Maria Noyen/Insider

We have always agreed that eating good food is one of the highlights of visiting our Oma and Opa. Food and family are always inextricably connected, whether it’s cheese or home-cooked steak and fries. 

Opa’s homemade jam is the one thing we miss most. It’s delicious, and we love it more than any store-bought jams.

This jam is thicker and sweeter than other jams, and it goes well with both sweet and savory foods. It may sound a little out there, but a spoonful of this jam on top of a slice of Gouda cheese is heaven – trust me.