How to Avoid Making Mistakes When Traveling

  • I was anxious about doing and seeing everything during a recent business trip in Miami.
  • I realized quickly that traveling is an ability you can master with practice.
  • Being prepared, being flexible and able to learn quickly from my mistakes have helped me be a better traveler.

I have always been laid back and go with the flow when it comes to traveling.

In the past, my packing habits were not the best. I also rarely planned in advance and often forgot to pack.

But my first business trip as a journalist to Miami, Florida, was different — I had places to see, things to do, and only a week to do it all.

My trip started with a 30-hour train ride to Miami. It was then that I began my work trip. I returned home via a 30-hour train journey.

Two hours into my trip to Miami, I felt anxious, nauseous and overwhelmed by the new experiences I was about have. I wrote this to myself: 

“Traveling feels hard because it’s a skill that I haven’t practiced yet. It takes not knowing exactly what’s going to happen, and being OK with that. To get better it, I need to find a sense of home within myself.”

From that point onwards, I continued to improve my travel skills. It meant planning, adapting, learning from my mistakes, and preparing for the future. 

Plan and make backup plans

These are the author’s itineraries taken from her Miami trip.

Joey Hadden/Insider

One night, while I was in Miami I spent an hour planning for the next day.

I prepared my clothes and gear, mapped where I needed to go, then wrote down possible itineraries. There was plenty of room for error.

I felt more prepared for the day because it took away my worries about timing and transportation. 

Despite having many backup plans, things didn’t always go as planned. These situations were opportunities for me to practice adapting.

Keep your eyes on the present

A few of my mistakes could have ruined my plans. For example, I missed a bus and got lost in Miami’s public transit system.

These mistakes were costly and I was worried about how I would get there.

I was aware that I needed to be calm. To do this effectively, it was important to practice mindfulness and stay present in the moment.

I stopped doing what I was doing and observed what was going on. I reminded myself that everything was okay and that I could solve the problem.

It can be hard to keep your mind clear in stressful situations. But, it becomes easier the more you do it.

It was a great way to feel more confident about my travels, and it helped me to have a greater sense of ease all through the trip.

Make sure you document your mistakes so that you don’t make them again.

A public shower at the author’s train home, and a pair flip-flops that she regretted not packing.

Joey Hadden/Insider

I kept a record of every mistake I made that made my trip more difficult so that I could plan my next trip better.

I spent one day in Miami taking photos. However, I also had to check out an Airbnb the morning before moving on to another.

It was a pain to lug all my stuff from one location to another while I took photos and made notes.

I made a mental note of it. Next time, I’ll either lock my bags in a storage area, pack lighter, and plan trips on days when I’m not changing accommodations.

My return train ride home from work, I realized I forgot to bring my flip-flops. I love to use them when I shower in public areas. So I decided to not take a shower. While it was not a big deal, I would have preferred the extra convenience of showering during a 30-hour train trip. I made a note of what to pack.


for my next trip.

My view is that if I continue to practice planning, adapting and writing down my errors, I will become an expert traveler who can easily get lost where she has never been before.