How Much Does The Little Irish Boy from ‘Titanic” Still Make A Year?

TitanicThe film lives on in the minds and hearts of millions. The third highest-grossing film of all time has left an indelible mark on popular culture, but what has it done to its performer’s wallets? Reece Thompson had a small but memorable role in the blockbuster, and he’s still getting paid to this day.

Little Irish Boy

Last hour TitanicThe blur is not clear. Viewers are bombarded daily with scenes of tragedy as the ship sinks in the water. One such moment occurs on the lower decks. One such moment is when an Irish mother reads her children bedtime stories, knowing full well the ship is going down and that they will soon die. This moment is not only a big deal for the elderly couple who chose to stay aboard but it also packs a punch.

Thompson was one of those children. He spoke to him recently. Business InsiderHis experience. At five years old, he was a child model and his agent informed his mother about two projects. One was a major motion picture and one was a gas station advertisement. Thompson’s mother chose the latter, which was a blessing for him.

“My mom was like: ‘Let’s just do it. It’ll be cool. Even if the movie sucks, we’ll see it.’ Obviously, it ended up exploding, so that wasn’t a bad decision on her part, that’s for sure,’ Thompson says. His memories are fuzzy, save for struggling with his Irish accent. He says, “It just sounds soft-spoken. I remember trying to mimic what the speech coach was trying to do. That’s as close as I got.”

What Was His Net Worth?

Part of Titanic’s legacy is how much money it made. It made $28.6 millions in its first weekend, en route to the absurd sum of $2.18 trillion. Thompson earned about $30,000 for his job. The money was invested and saved for later use, such as education and daily living expenses.

The Money Hasn’t Ceased

The money didn’t stop in 1997, however. Thompson still receives checks every three months. Thompson said the checks were still in his hands when the film was released to VHS. “low thousands.”There were spikes in subsequent media releases and occasional theater releases.

It’s All Gravy

Reece Thompson’s moved on, but the cash still comes in. “It’s weird because it’s not present in my mind anymore,”He said. “It’s not like, ‘Oh, when am I going to get a new Titanic

check?’ When it happens, it’s like, ‘Oh, cool, an extra $100.”He hopes that the film stays in the zeitgeist. “because that means more money for me.”

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