How do you clean stainless-steel kitchen appliances without leaving streaks behind?

It can be frustrating to finally clean your stainless steel appliances, only to return later to find them covered in streaks.

The good news is that there’s an easy way to make sure they’re spotless.

How can you clean stainless-steel kitchen appliances without leaving streaks?

For many reasons, stainless steel can be difficult to maintain.

You’re more likely to leave streaks behind if your carpet isn’t cleaned properly.

The steel can also be very sensitive. If you don’t pay attention, you could scratch or dull it.

There are simple cleaning tricks that can be used to keep your kitchenware clean and in good condition for when you make a new recipe.


Steel can also be very sensitive. If you don’t pay attention, you could scratch or dull it while cleaning it

After using it to clean her dishwasher, one mum swears by baby oil.

These are great ways to do it.


Use glass cleaner

Glass cleaner is great to de-streak kitchen equipment. It’s also a simple addition for your cleaning routine.

Using a glass cleaner to wipe down your appliances after you’ve scrubbed them will leave them complete streak free.

Simply spray the solution onto your cooker, pot or bin and then wipe it off with a microfibre fabric.

The power of flour

Are you not a fan expensive glass cleaners

You could save money by switching to FLOUR when it comes to keeping your stainless steel items spotless.

You can apply dry flour to a microfibre cloth, and then buff it into your stainless-steel items. All you have to do is rinse it off afterward for a shiny surface.

Lemon oil polish

Another option is to use lemon oil polish.

It is not recommended that you place it directly on stainless steel.

Wet cloth and white vinegar

Another great way to get stains out is to use white vinegar. Apply it to the area and wipe with a microfibrecloth.

Mixing vinegar with some olive oil can be used to clean kitchen surfaces.