How do I continue watching Hulu videos? A section of Hulu is missing, affecting thousands

Many are wondering what happened to Hulu after logging in to find the ‘continue watching’ option is missing – so they have no idea what episode they are up to.

The American subscription-based service is owned in majority by Walt Disney and features a variety of popular shows such as The Bear and Only Murders in the Building.

‘Continue watching’ missing on Hulu

On Wednesday, August 2, many users discovered the disappearance of a popular feature.

‘Continue watching’ saves where you are in a TV show or movie you are watching so you can go back and keep on viewing later.

All the things you are currently watching usually appear right at the top of Hulu in a row under the ‘continue watching’ tab.

Twitter is awash with frustration as thousands of users are unable to access the entire section.

One person wrote: “Why did Hulu remove the continue watching….. now I don’t even know where I left off.”

“Yo Hulu where’s my ‘continue watching’ section? It’s completely gone from my home page,” said another.

What happened to ‘continue watching’?

Hulu hasn’t removed the ‘continue watching’ section, there’s a glitch within the platform that’s causing it to malfunction.

The streaming site has confirmed the error numerous times on Twitter, writing: “That shouldn’t be the case! We’re looking into similar reports of this behavior.”

“Apologies for the inconvenience! We are investigating this behavior at the moment and hope that it will be resolved soon. We appreciate your patience while we work to get this resolved!” another reply from Hulu says.

A third adds: “Hulu here — sorry about that! Our team is currently investigating this and is working to clear things up.”

Eight possible fixes

The platform is currently working to fix the issue so ‘continue watching’ should be back in no time. Hulu has a different approach. You can tell by the way they pronounce it In the interim, people can do eight things to fix the problem:

  1. Close the Hulu App: Try re-opening Hulu after closing all apps and programs in the background.
  2. Verify your internet connection. Compare your speed with the results of their device. Recommended by. Follow these if the speed is not enough Take a look at the steps below How to Improve Your Connection
  3. Power cycle Shut down your device, and the router or modem if you have one. After a few moments, turn on your device again.
  4. Try out other programs or apps on your mobile device: If you notice similar issues, it may be due to poor connectivity. You can contact your internet provider to learn more about improving your connection.
  5. App and System Updates: To check for Hulu updates, visit your device’s app store. To check for system updates, visit your device’s settings menu.
  6. Clear cache: You can typically clear cache and data via your device’s settings menu. This removes temporary files in order to free up space.
  7. Reactivate or deactivate the device. You can remove the device from your account by clicking on it. Then, reactivate your device and try launching Hulu again.
  8. Hulu can be uninstalled and then re-installed. You can reinstall Hulu on certain devices to fix any problems with streaming.

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