How big is a soccer court?

SOCCER can be played in many places around the globe, but many people don’t realize the size of the fields.

It seems that there are many sizes of soccer fields around the world.


Aerial view of a soccer field with players

How big is a soccer court?

The size of a soccer pitch is extraordinary because it can hold 22 players at once and has ample space for officials.

Although all soccer fields look similar with the grass and white markings, there’s no standard size for every field.

According to FIFAA full-size soccer field can be anywhere from 50 to 100 yards wide and 100 to 130 meters long.

The field must be rectangular and marked using continuous lines.

All markings must be the same width.

What is the average size of soccer fields in different leagues?

Although FIFA has established the dimensions for soccer fields, there are many other leagues around the globe that have their own regulations and rules.

Bundesliga requires that a field be at least 115 yards in length and 74 feet wide.

There are however allowances to allow these dimensions to be reduced by no less than 110 and 70 yards, respectively.

According to The English Premier League, the field should measure 115 yards in length and 75 yards in width.

The MLS (Major League soccer), recommends that a field should be 110 yards in length and 70 yards in width.


Two soccer players kick and run with a soccer ball.Credit: Getty Images – Getty

What’s a soccer pitch made of?

Natural grass is used most often for soccer fields. Stadions must keep the grass in good condition throughout the year.

However, artificial playing surface can be used in certain competitions.

The color of a field must be green, regardless of its surface.

Some stadiums are equipped with undersoil heating, which ensures that the field can be used even in extreme weather conditions.