Hollyoaks fans are in tears when Maxine Minniver is brutally assaulted

E4 viewers were left in disbelief following tonight’s episode of the Channel 4 soap.

Hollyoaks is tackling violence against women, as revealed by spoilers. This week’s storyline involves Maxine Minniver.


Maxine Minniver leads a hard-hitting new storyline this week


Unidentified man brutally assaults the character as she walks home alone after a night of drinking.

Nikki Sanderson played the role of Nikki Sanderson as she tried to escape from Chester’s mystery spiker.

They went into a nightclub carrying their own hip flasks and tried to avoid being exploited.

Unfortunately, Maxine was caught red-handed with the flask and immediately kicked out of the club – unbeknownst to her friends.

Scenes aired tonight on E4 show Maxine, an intoxicated and vulnerable woman, staggering alone home with no money or phone.

Keep your mouth shut!

Hollyoaks’ on-screen son Owen Warner gets a cheeky swipe from Lucy-Jo Hudson


After an awkward gaffe, Hollyoaks’ Owen Warner was slammed and slapped by I’m a Celeb fans

After missing a bus in which she could have caught up with a hen party and Romeo Nightingale (played by I’m A Celebrity‘s Owen Warner), Maxine was allowed to get on to a second bus which took her straight back to Chester.

Her return to home was a nightmare when a hooded man followed her and brutally assaulted.

Maxine was able to escape, but it wasn’t without fighting and she returned home in shock.

She decided to take the bull at its horns, and report her attacker to police.

Hollyoaks viewers were sad for the character. She had to give evidence, and they recalled the events.

Thankfully for her, Maxine could count on her friend and copper Zoe Anderson’s (Garcia Brown) support.

“I’m lucky he didn’t rape me”She added: “I’m lucky I got away.”

“When he was pulling me by the hair, I thought ‘this is it, I’m going to die.’”

Maxine was just like every other victim to such an assault and she blamed herself.

She began to reflect on every possible decision she could make differently to avoid being attacked.

“I should never have gone out dressed like that. It was asking for attention.”

“If I hadn’t worn such a short skirt, none of this would have happened.”

“I should never have worn my hair in a ponytail, I read it online. It made me an easy target.”

Maxine was accusing herself of getting drunk and failing to charge her phone fully. Zoe brought Maxine back to her senses by insisting that she had done nothing wrong.

Viewers also reacted to Maxine’s words.


Good news eventually came to Maxine when Zoe received a call announcing the attacker had been caught – and viewers, once again, had many thoughts.

Most of them were in disbelief that Maxine’s aggressor was caught so quickly.



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How will she deal with the attack?

Hollyoaks is available on Channel 4 or E4 from Monday through Friday.


Maxine went through all the options she had to make in order not to be attacked.

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