Holly Willoughby red-faced as she’s caught out in ‘dogging’ slip-up on This Morning

This Morning hosts Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby lost it over a naughty ‘forest dogging’ joke on Monday’s show.

The presenters were all giggles during today’s programme (September 27) of the ITV daytime series, after a “very sexy voice” introduced the show upon its return from an ad break and revealed that an episode of This Morning broadcast “live from our forest” would be coming soon.

Phil said: “That’s a very sexy voice.”

Holly replied: “What’s happening in that forest?”

As both presenters began to chuckle, Holly then added: “If we see lots of flashing lights, we’ll know what’s going on.”

This Morning presenters Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield burst into laughter after making a naughty joke about ‘forest dogging’ during Monday’s show

Asked by Phil if she meant “blue flashing lights”, which are said to be used as a signal by doggers, Holly exclaimed: “Not blue flashing lights.”

“I don’t think that’s going on in the forest,” a giggling Phil responded.

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