Holiday warning as restaurant charges diners £17 just to cut a birthday cake in tourist hotspot

A FAMILY were left horrified when a restaurant in a tourist hotspot charged them £17 extra just to cut their birthday cake.

A restaurant in Palermo (Sicily) sparked anger when it announced its new fee for chopping.


A family were left stunned when they were slapped with an extra £17 charge for having their cake cutNewsflash

They had brought their own cake to the Italian Restaurant before being slapped by an outrageous surprise fee.

Party-goes were handed their receipt after finishing their celebrations and discovered they had been charged £17.26 for their cake being cut into pieces.

The cost was calculated as a charge of 86p per attendee, despite the group spending £103.49 on pizza, wine, beer and water.

The eatery listed the charge as “20 X Servizio Torta”, which translates to “20 X Cake Service”.

But the slicing charge is just the icing on the cake for a series of bizarre price increases across Italy.

One bar beside millionaires’ playground Lake Como – Pace Bar – charged a customer £1.73 to cut their sandwich in half.

A disgruntled client shared online a photo of the Bar Pace invoice as evidence of this bizarre charge.

The printout clearly shows that the establishment had charged them £1.70 for the privilege of cutting their fancy sarnie in two.

The English translation of “diviso da Meta” is “divided into half”.

According to Italian media reports, the unnamed owner of the bar retaliated by saying, “additional demands have a price”.

It was explained to them: “If I am asked to serve two toasts to a customer, then I must use two saucers as well two napkins. And, of course, go up to the table in two-handed.

It is true the customer always has the right to ask for more, but there is also a price.

Then another restaurant – the Osteria del Cavolo in Finale Ligure – charged £1.70 to provide a customer with an empty plate.

Ida Germano explained to the owner, Ida Germano 76: “We forced the woman who posted receipts at the table of three people because we had two adults and one child.”

It was only two plates of the fried anchovies, one with pesto on it and one with trofie.

We only charge for one saucer because we also pay for dishwashing and dishwasher.


Restaurant is located in Palermo. Sicily.Credit: Alamy